
Team Fundraising in US & Canada

At FlipGive, our mission is to provide you with a better alternative to fundraising. With our free funding app, sports teams, clubs and organizations in the United States and Canada have an easier way to fundraise through accepting donations or earning cash back online or in-store. By partnering with popular brands, restaurants, and more, FlipGive allows purchases you make every day to go further for your team. Take a look at our map below to see where all of our teams are fundraising. You can drill down by state/province, city or town to see our FlipGive teams’ fundraising success in each area.

Team Funding with FlipGive

Funding your team in the US or Canada with FlipGive is so much easier than ever before. Don't have a team fundraiser set up on FlipGive? Creating your own is simple! You can create your team in seconds right from your app or desktop to start earning right away.

Save time

Save time

Who has free time these days to run a bake sale? With FlipGive you raise money by doing the things you're already doing.

No unwanted junk

No unwanted junk

Tired of selling calendars or cookies? Don't get stuck with unwanted junk. With FlipGive there is no physical product to distribute.

Stop the ask

We all dread going door-to-door and pestering friends to support you. Stop selling and earn through everyday spend with FlipGive.