Let's face it parents, we know you're tired of having to hit up grandparents, aunts and uncles ,even co-workers, to help fundraise for your kids sports teams. At FlipGive, we understand, which is why we have a new way to have friends and family donate with purchases they are already making. FlipGive provides teams with a free platform to raise money by having family and friends shop at the stores they already use. You'll earn cash on the things you're already buying. Get paid whenever you shop, dine out, book hotels, activities and more.
While horse racing may be what put Kentucky on the map, every kid dreams of playing for the Wildcats or the Cardinals, and the number of participants in youth sports throughout the state proves this as true. As a parent, you know the cost associated with supporting your kids dream. From hotel reservations to tournament entry fees, even the cost to join the team can sometimes seem overbearing. The youth sports scene has boomed over the last decade, and so have the costs associated. This is where FlipGive recognized a need for a better fundraising solution for teams and organizations of all ages. FlipGive's mission is such that teams all across Kentucky are able to keep costs down while still being able to get new uniforms and travel to tournaments. With our free, simple to use fundraising platform, out-of-pocket expenses quickly decrease as money raised comes in to the team.
Make FlipGive your number one draft choice in Kentucky for your fundraising team today. Let friends and family contribute by purchasing things they normally would from our partners nationwide. The best part is a percentage of each purchase is directly contributed to the team of your choice with 0% fees. This allows friends and family to contribute without even realizing it. FlipGive is an easy to set up, and easy to use, platform that takes the weight off your team moms back. Gone are the fundraising days of counting candy bars and cash. Thanks to no overhead and all transactions and donations managed on your team's FlipGive dashboard, it takes the guesswork out of fundraising. To see a list of teams and towns across Kentucky already using Flipgive check out the list below.
$6,647.38 Earned
$4,561.74 Earned
$3,032.20 Earned
$1,954.06 Earned
$1,527.40 Earned
$1,512.02 Earned
$1,504.03 Earned
$1,468.33 Earned
People all over Kentucky already know how great FlipGive is for funding, now you can too! Best of all, FlipGive is always free to use. Still want to learn more? Check out how FlipGive works or book a coaching call with one of our funding experts. Impatient to get started? Get starting on creating your FlipGive team below.
430 teams in Kentucky from 4 different towns are already taking advantage of the new way to fundraise. Want to see who's active near you? Find your town listed below.
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