Fundraising for youth sports teams comes in many different shapes and sizes. Functions like gift auctions, despite being successful, can be a lot of time and effort for those participating, and selling items like candy or gift wrap often delivers underwhelming results. There’s finally a better way! FlipGive provides teams with a free platform to raise money by having family and friends shop at the stores they already use. You'll earn cash on the things you're already buying. Get paid whenever you shop, dine out, book hotels, activities and more.
Maryland is a hotbed for youth lacrosse, with hundreds of leagues and travel teams scattered throughout the state. On average, Maryland youth lacrosse teams get invited to 6 out-of-state tournaments per year, which could cost up to $1800 in hotel rooms and tournament fees per player alone, not accounting for travel and meal expenses. For a team of 18 to fundraise $18,000 or get it from their parents individually can cause teams unnecessary stress and financial pressure. This same level of financial obligation can be felt in other youth sports in Maryland, including baseball and softball, basketball and volleyball, football and cheerleading, and also clubs and activities that many children participate in.
FlipGive allows kids to be able to focus on playing the sports they love and developing skills while their parents, relatives, and family friends spend money that they would normally spend on brands they were already going to buy. FlipGive is a free platform for teams to use, and does not take any fees on the money that is raised. Friends and family can make purchases, both online and in-person, through the FlipGive platform on their mobile devices, earning money for their team with every transaction through the thousands of retailers that participate on the FlipGive platform. Teams and leagues all over the country are signing up and earning money through FlipGive! It’s super easy! Check out the list below to see which Maryland youth sports teams and towns have already implemented FlipGive in their fundraising strategies.
$16,048.51 Earned
$13,939.83 Earned
$7,163.75 Earned
$5,496.57 Earned
$1,438.74 Earned
$1,407.06 Earned
$1,112.69 Earned
$1,056.68 Earned
Think your team or league would be a great fit for FlipGive? Let’s get started then! Schedule a coaching call with a FlipGive funding expert who can walk you through the signup and account registration process. If you’re ready to get started right away, simply fill out the form below to get the account creation process started.
960 teams in Maryland from 13 different towns are already taking advantage of the new way to fundraise. Want to see who’s active near you? Find your town listed below.
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