
Fundraising Opportunities in Virginia

Finding the time to fundraise between running to games and practices plus taking your children to and from school and other activities can often be difficult. Without effective fundraising, parents are left on the hook to cover additional costs for tournament fees, new uniforms, and other expenses associated with the youth sports programs. FlipGive provides teams with a free platform to raise money by having family and friends shop at the stores they already use. You'll earn cash on the things you're already buying. Get paid whenever you shop, dine out, book hotels, activities and more.

Virginia Sports Team Fundraising

The State of Virginia regularly turns out top programs in almost every youth sport. Part of the success can be attributed to it’s dozens of high-level collegiate athletics programs throughout the state that continue to inspire young athletes to strive to make it to that level of competition one day. Youth sports like football, basketball, baseballand softball, lacrosse, soccer, swimming, and more all enjoy a significant number of participants across the state. A common theme that each of the sports programs experiences is the need to fundraise to continue to drive the growth and development of the athletes and programs. It's not uncommon for a Virginia family to spend $1000 or more per child, per year, on youth sports and activities.

What if there was a way that with every purchase you make during your day to day life, a portion of that purchase could be set aside to offset expenses that your child’s youth sports team encounters? Well there is! FlipGive’s unique fundraising platform has partnered with thousands of retailers, restaurants, and hotels throughout the United States and Canada to help users earn a cashback percentage of their purchase, which our platform then donates directly to your youth sports team. This method of fundraising allows teams, clubs, and organizations to raise money faster than ever before. Check out the list below to see other cities towns in youth sports organizations in the state of Virginia that are already benefiting from fundraising with FlipGive.


Has Been Raised In VA

FlipGive Funds Virginia Teams







Organizations in VA

$2,214.43 Earned

$1,251.41 Earned

$1,173.87 Earned

Popular Brands


Give FlipGive a Try this Season

Take your team’s fundraising efforts to the next level by introducing FlipGive to families and friends. The easy to use platform is designed to raise money for your team quickly and easily. To get started, start by scheduling a coaching call with a FlipGive funding expert, who can answer all sorts of questions you may have about the service, as well as walk you through the initial account creation. If you’re ready to get started right away, you can get the ball rolling by filling out the form below to begin creating your team’s dashboard.

Virginia Towns on FlipGive

1006 teams in Virginia from 18 different towns are already taking advantage of the new way to fundraise. Want to see who’s active near you? Find your town listed below.