Slam Your Way to Success: Top 5 Fun Wrestling Drills for Kids to Master the Mat

Unleash their potential with these engaging wrestling drills that will keep kids motivated while honing their mat skills. Discover the top 5 must-try exercises that will help young wrestlers improve their technique and dominate the competition.

April 19, 2024

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Slam Your Way to Success: Top 5 Fun Wrestling Drills for Kids to Master the Mat

Wrestling is an empowering sport that builds both physical strength and mental resilience in children. If your child is interested in wrestling or you’re a coach looking for ways to engage your young athletes, integrating fun drills into practice sessions can be a game-changer. Here we'll explore five wrestling drills designed to keep kids excited about learning and help them develop the skills they need to succeed on the mat.

1. Stance & Motion Drill

The foundation of great wrestling is a solid stance and the ability to move effectively. This drill emphasizes the basics of proper wrestling stance and motion. Here’s how to do it:

  • Start by having the kids stand in a circle.
  • Ensure they adopt a good wrestling stance – knees bent, legs shoulder-width apart, and elbows in close to the body.
  • Have them practice moving in their stance when you give the command, making sure they maintain good form.
  • To add fun, call out different directions or use music to signal when to start and stop.
  • 2. Hand Fighting Drills

    Hand fighting is a critical skill that helps wrestlers gain an advantage over their opponent. Begin with these steps:

  • Pair up the kids and have them face each other in their wrestling stances.
  • They should work on controlling their partner's head, neck, and arms with their hands, keeping their movements light and controlled.
  • Encourage them to be creative and try different hand positions and movements.
  • This drill helps build coordination and teaches kids how to react to their opponent's movements.
  • 3. Sprawl Drill

    To prevent being taken down, wrestlers must master the art of sprawling. This is a fundamental defensive move that every wrestler should know:

  • Start with the coach or another wrestler attempting a mock leg attack.
  • Have the kids practice sprawling by thrusting their legs backward and landing on their hands and hips with their legs apart.
  • Make sure they keep their head up and chest down.
  • Turn it into a game by randomly calling out "shot!" and having the kids perform a sprawl as quickly as possible.
  • 4. Shot Drills

    Executing effective shots is key to offensive wrestling. It is important for young wrestlers to practice their penetration steps to improve their takedowns:

  • One at a time, have the kids practice their penetration steps, focusing on stepping forward with one leg while lowering their level.
  • They should then drive off their back leg to simulate taking a shot.
  • Incorporate a target for them to aim at to help them visualize their opponent.
  • Use a soft mat or padding for safety as they practice this motion repetitively.
  • 5. Bridge Drills

    The ability to bridge out of a pin can be the difference between winning and losing a match. The bridge drill strengthens the neck and back muscles that are crucial for this escape technique:

  • Have the kids lay on their backs with their knees bent and feet flat on the mat.
  • On your command, they should lift their hips and back off the mat using only their feet and shoulders, forming a bridge.
  • Challenge them to hold the position for a few seconds before returning to the starting position.
  • To make it fun, see who can hold the bridge the longest or incorporate the drill into relays and games.
  • Wrestling is a sport that offers numerous benefits for kids, including improved physical fitness, self-esteem, and discipline. By incorporating these top 5 wrestling drills into your kids' routines, you encourage not only the mastery of essential wrestling techniques but also a love for the sport. Remember, the key to successful drills is to make them enjoyable and challenging, so kids are always looking forward to practice.

    Incorporating drills from various sports can also be advantageous. As suggested by, practicing drills at home can complement structured training. Sports drills, such as those for basketball or soccer, can improve agility and footwork, which are beneficial for wrestling as well. Encourage kids to practice a variety of sports drills to develop a well-rounded athletic skillset.

    With tenacity, discipline, and a bit of fun, young wrestlers will be well on their way to mastering the mat and perhaps even becoming champions. The journey to wrestling success is paved with consistent practice, and by incorporating these engaging wrestling drills, kids can slam their way to victory.

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