Make a Splash: Fun Water Polo Drills for Kids to Master the Game!

Get your kids splashing and mastering the game of water polo with these fun and engaging drills that will have them diving, passing, and shooting like pros in no time!

February 4, 2024

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Make a Splash: Fun Water Polo Drills for Kids to Master the Game!

Water polo is an exhilarating and challenging sport that offers kids a great way to stay active, learn teamwork, and develop their swimming skills. Whether preparing for a competitive league or just looking for a fun way to mix up a swimming routine, water polo drills can be an engaging component of a child’s physical activity. In this article, we’ll dive into some of the most fun and effective water polo drills for kids to help them master the game while having a blast in the pool.

Introduction to Water Polo for Kids

Before jumping into the drills, it's important to understand the basics of water polo. Water polo is a team sport played in a swimming pool, where teams aim to score goals by throwing a ball into the opposing team's net. It’s a great way to improve swimming strength and endurance, as well as hand-eye coordination. Now, let’s get to the fun part and explore some great water polo drills for kids!

Basic Ball Handling Drills

Ball handling is a fundamental skill in water polo. These drills focus on improving the ability to maneuver and control the ball while in the water:

  • Catch and Release: Pair up the kids and have them toss the water polo ball back and forth. Encourage them to focus on catching with one hand and quickly releasing the ball, enhancing their grip and release technique.
  • Ball Around the World: Have each kid practice moving the ball in a circular motion around their waist and then their head without losing grip. This drill promotes dexterity and ball control.
  • Passing and Shooting Drills

    Accurate passing and powerful shooting are key components of an effective offense in water polo. Try these drills to sharpen these skills:

  • Passing Parade: In a line, kids pass the ball to the next player and then swim to the opposite end of the line. This continuous movement helps them practice passing on the move.
  • Shooting Stars: Set up goals at each end of the pool and have the kids practice shooting from different angles and distances. Remind them to focus on their body position and arm movement for precision and power.
  • Eggbeater Kick Technique

    The eggbeater kick is a critical skill for water polo players to maintain an upright position and move effectively in the water. Here’s a simple drill:

  • Eggbeater in Place: Have the kids practice the eggbeater kick while staying in one place. Encourage them to keep their upper bodies above water and use their arms for additional balance and movement.
  • Defensive Drills

    A strong defense is just as important as a potent offense. Here are a couple of drills to enhance defensive skills:

  • Ball Denial: Pair up the kids and have one play offense and the other defense. The defensive player must prevent the offensive player from getting the ball. This drill reinforces defensive positioning and awareness.
  • Steal the Bacon: Place a ball in the center of the pool and have two players race to gain possession. The player who successfully retrieves the ball and returns it to their home base scores a point for their team.
  • Endurance and Agility Drills

    Water polo requires high levels of endurance and agility to keep up with the fast-paced game. Implement these drills to build stamina and nimbleness:

  • Swim and Sprint: Have the kids swim laps in the pool at varying speeds. Intersperse sprinting laps with recovery laps to build endurance while maintaining good technique.
  • Obstacle Course: Set up a course in the pool with different stations where kids have to perform a skill, such as passing to a coach, shooting at a target, or practicing defensive moves. This helps them apply their skills in a dynamic setting.
  • Teamwork and Game Simulation Drills

    Water polo is a team sport, and understanding how to work effectively with teammates is crucial. These drills can help kids learn about positioning, strategy, and playing as a unit:

  • Mirror Game: In pairs, one child leads with the ball while the other tries to mirror their movements without a ball. This drill fosters communication and coordination between teammates.
  • Scrimmage Time: There’s no better way to put skills to the test than through a scrimmage. Have the kids play short games, emphasizing teamwork and the use of the skills they’ve practiced in drills.
  • Conclusion

    Water polo is an exciting sport that can greatly contribute to a child’s physical and social development. Through these fun and varied drills, kids can improve their water polo abilities while enjoying time in the pool with their peers. Encourage them to practice these drills regularly, and watch them grow into confident and skilled water polo players ready to make a splash in the game!

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