5 Engaging Volleyball Drills for Kids to Spike Their Way to Success

Fun and Effective Drills to Help Children Develop Their Volleyball Skills and Achieve Victory on the Court.

May 7, 2024

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5 Engaging Volleyball Drills for Kids to Spike Their Way to Success

Volleyball is a dynamic sport loved by kids worldwide. It's not just a fun way to stay active but also an excellent opportunity for young athletes to build teamwork, coordination, and athletic skills. To help kids improve their game and spike their way to success, we've compiled five engaging volleyball drills that are perfect for young players to practice at home or with their peers on the court. These drills cover the essentials of passing, setting, serving, hitting, and defense, ensuring a well-rounded volleyball skill set.

1. Passing Perfection Drill

Mastering the art of passing is crucial in volleyball. The 'Passing Perfection' drill helps kids develop accurate and controlled forearm passes.

  • Partner up the kids and have them stand about 10 feet apart.
  • One player will toss the ball to their partner, aiming to hit their forearms.
  • The receiving player must control the pass and return it without the ball touching the ground.
  • Players should focus on form, keeping their knees bent and passing with their legs and shoulders squared to their target.
  • 2. Setting Skill Builder

    Effective setting is the segue to powerful spikes. The 'Setting Skill Builder' drill sharpens kids' setting techniques.

  • Players pair up and face each other at a distance that challenges their abilities.
  • Using only their fingertips, players set the ball back and forth, working on a consistent ball release.
  • Encourage players to keep their hands in the shape of the ball and push upwards with their legs.
  • The aim is to maintain a steady rhythm and control the ball's height and direction.
  • 3. Super Serve Drill

    A reliable serve can set the tone for the game. The 'Super Serve' drill helps kids learn to serve with both power and precision.

  • Line up the kids on the service line and have them practice their overhand serve.
  • Place various targets on the court for them to aim at, such as hula hoops or marked areas with cones.
  • As they progress, increase the distance of the targets to challenge their serving strength and accuracy.
  • Track successful hits to add a competitive edge and drive improvement.
  • 4. Hit & Hustle Drill

    Hitting is one of the most thrilling aspects of volleyball. The 'Hit & Hustle' drill combines spiking with quick movements.

  • Set up a net or a simulated high target for players to aim at.
  • Players start from the back of the court, sprint towards the net, and perform a jump and hit as though spiking.
  • Immediately after the hit, players must quickly return to the starting line.
  • This drill not only improves hitting technique but also enhances agility and endurance.
  • 5. Dynamic Defense Drill

    A strong defense can be as impactful as a powerful offense. The 'Dynamic Defense' drill boosts kids' defensive capabilities.

  • Players spread out on one side of the court, assuming a ready position with knees bent and arms ready.
  • Coach or another player sends controlled hits towards different areas of the court, prompting players to dive or stretch to make a save.
  • Focus is on quick footwork, anticipation, and getting low to the ground for digging balls.
  • Incorporate a rotation system to ensure each player experiences a variety of defensive positions.
  • Conclusion

    Incorporating these volleyball drills into a kid's practice routine can significantly improve their skills while keeping the process fun and engaging. Drills like 'Passing Perfection', 'Setting Skill Builder', 'Super Serve', 'Hit & Hustle', and 'Dynamic Defense' create a comprehensive practice environment that encourages kids to develop their volleyball abilities. These drills help young athletes understand the game's fundamentals, promotes teamwork, and builds physical fitness. Whether at home or on the court, focusing on these key areas will certainly set young volleyball enthusiasts on a path to success.

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