Gliding Towards Goals: Unique Fundraising Ideas for Your Speed Skating Club

Unlocking the Financial Potential: Unique Fundraising Ideas for Your Speed Skating Club

December 16, 2023

FlipGive is a free team funding app that makes raising money a breeze. Teams earn cash back for buying the things they already need. Get paid whenever you shop, dine out, book hotels or activities.

Gliding Towards Goals: Unique Fundraising Ideas for Your Speed Skating Club

Every speed skating club knows the exhilaration that comes with the sport—the rush of the cold air, the blur of the ice, and the cheers of the crowd as skaters glide gracefully towards the finish line. However, behind all the excitement and competition, there is the practical aspect of funding the club’s activities. From equipment to travel expenses, the costs can quickly add up. This is where innovative team fundraising plays a pivotal role in keeping the blades on the ice.

Fundraising can be a daunting task, but with a bit of creativity and a dedicated team, your speed skating club can not only meet but exceed its financial goals. Let's explore some unique fundraising ideas that can help your club stay financially stable while keeping members engaged and the community involved.

Theme Skate Nights

Nothing brings people together like a fun-filled themed event. Hosting a theme skate night at your local rink can attract families and individuals eager to enjoy a unique skating experience. Consider themes such as retro, superhero, or winter wonderland, and encourage participants to dress up. Charge a small entry fee and consider selling snacks and beverages to boost your earnings. It's entertainment with a twist, and a portion of the proceeds can go straight to your club’s fund.

Speed Skating Clinics

Use your club's expertise to host speed skating clinics for beginners or those looking to improve their technique. Seasoned club members and coaches can lead these sessions. Offer various levels—from kids to adults—and consider a multi-session package deal. This not only raises funds but also fosters a sense of community and can attract new members to your club.

Sponsorship and Partnership Opportunities

Local businesses are often looking for ways to support the community and gain visibility. Develop a sponsorship package and present it to potential partners. Your club can offer logo placement on uniforms, banners at events, and social media shoutouts in exchange for their financial support. This symbiotic relationship can be a steady source of income for your club and help local businesses connect with the community.

Custom Merchandise Sales

People love to support their local teams, and what better way than wearing the team's colors proudly? Selling custom merchandise such as jerseys, t-shirts, caps, and even skate accessories can be a significant revenue generator. Make sure the merchandise is high quality and stylish so that it's not just a means to support the team but also something people would be excited to wear.

Online Crowdfunding Campaigns

In the digital age, online crowdfunding platforms can be a powerful tool for raising funds. By creating a compelling campaign that tells your club's story and its needs, you can reach a wider audience beyond your local community. Encourage members to share the campaign on social media to maximize reach. Exclusive rewards or acknowledgments can incentivize donations.


Organize a skate-a-thon where skaters collect pledges from family, friends, and community members for each lap they skate. It’s a fun way to get the team and community involved while promoting fitness and sportsmanship. To make it even more enticing, include categories for different age groups and skill levels, and have prizes for the most laps skated or most funds raised.

Speed Skating Exhibitions and Competitions

Host a speed skating exhibition or competition and sell tickets to spectators. This can be a great way to showcase the talent within your club and the thrilling nature of the sport. Partner with local media to promote the event and attract a larger audience. You could also set up concession stands and have a raffle to further increase fundraising efforts.

Restaurant Takeover Nights

Team up with a local restaurant for a takeover night where a percentage of the proceeds from the evening goes to your club. It's a win-win situation—the restaurant gets customers, and your club raises funds. To add to the fun, have club members serve as guest waiters or host mini skating demonstrations if space allows.

Recycling Drive

Implementing a recycling program is an eco-friendly way to raise funds. Collect recyclable items such as cans, bottles, and paper from the community and turn them into cash at recycling centers. Not only does this help the environment, but it also promotes the club's commitment to sustainability.

With these unique fundraising ideas, your speed skating club can continue to thrive and contribute to the vibrant sporting community. Remember, successful fundraising is not just about the money; it's about building relationships and strengthening the team’s presence both on and off the ice. With creativity and teamwork, the financial goals for your club are just a glide away.


Fundraising for your speed skating club can indeed be as dynamic and exciting as the sport itself. By engaging with the community, leveraging the skills of your members, and harnessing the power of partnerships, every fundraising effort can be both profitable and enjoyable. As you implement these unique ideas, your club will not just survive—it will soar to new heights, ensuring that your speed skaters continue to chase their passion and achieve their goals for seasons to come.

FlipGive Team

FlipGive is a free team funding app that makes raising money a breeze. Teams earn cash back for buying the things they already need. Get paid whenever you shop, dine out, book hotels or activities.