10 Creative Dodge Ball Fundraising Strategies to Boost Your Team's Budget

Boost Your Team's Budget with these 10 Creative Dodge Ball Fundraising Strategies

April 22, 2024

FlipGive is a free team funding app that makes raising money a breeze. Teams earn cash back for buying the things they already need. Get paid whenever you shop, dine out, book hotels or activities.

Introduction to Team Fundraising

Fundraising is an essential aspect of sports team management, particularly when the team needs additional funds for equipment, travel, or tournaments. It's a way to engage with the community, foster team spirit, and ensure your team has the resources needed for success. One of the most engaging and fun ways to raise funds is through organizing a dodgeball event. Below, we’ll explore 10 creative dodgeball fundraising strategies that can boost your team's budget and provide an amusing experience for participants and spectators alike.

1. Themed Dodgeball Tournament

Organize a dodgeball tournament with a twist by adding a fun theme! Whether it’s superheroes, the '80s, or beach party, a themed event tends to attract more participants and spectators. Encourage players and teams to dress up according to the theme for a chance to win prizes for the best costume.

2. Dodge for Donations

In this fundraising strategy, players seek pledges from friends, family, and local businesses for each round of dodgeball they survive. This not only motivates the players to do their best but also encourages sponsors to get more involved in the event.

3. Corporate Sponsorship Tournament

Invite local businesses to sponsor teams in a corporate dodgeball tournament. Each team represents their sponsor, who may provide team shirts with their logos, creating a unique advertising opportunity for the business while supporting your team.

4. Family Fun Day

Combine a dodgeball tournament with a family fun day, where you can have food stalls, face painting, and other family-friendly activities. This setup can attract a larger crowd and increase the potential for fundraising.

5. Dodgeball Skills Clinic

Before the big tournament, offer a dodgeball clinic where participants can pay to learn advanced playing techniques from experienced players or coaches. This is a great way to raise money while helping players improve their skills.

6. Halftime Show and Raffle

During the tournament, organize a halftime show with local talent to entertain the crowd. You can also conduct a raffle with donated prizes from local businesses. Tickets for the raffle would add to your fundraising totals.

7. Concessions and Merchandise

Sell concessions like snacks, drinks, and possibly dodgeball-related merchandise during the event. Branded items like wristbands, headbands, and water bottles can serve as mementos while contributing to the team’s funds.

8. Pay-to-Play Celebrity Match

Host a special match where local celebrities or high-profile community members participate. Spectators can pay for the chance to play against or alongside these individuals, providing both an exciting opportunity and a means to raise funds.

9. Sponsor Challenges

Create challenges where sponsors can pledge to donate a certain amount if a team or player accomplishes a specific feat, such as a five-game winning streak or a spectacular catch. This adds an exciting element to the games and encourages higher levels of play.

10. Online Streaming and Donations

For those who can't attend the dodgeball tournament, offer online streaming of the event and give viewers the option to donate electronically. This broadens your reach and allows friends and family from afar to support the team.


Fundraising through dodgeball is a fantastic way to inject fun into the necessary task of raising money for your sports team. With these 10 creative strategies, you’re ready to plan an event that’s not only profitable but memorable. Remember, the key to a successful fundraiser is engagement—get your team, supporters, and community excited, and they’ll be eager to contribute to your team’s success.

FlipGive Team

FlipGive is a free team funding app that makes raising money a breeze. Teams earn cash back for buying the things they already need. Get paid whenever you shop, dine out, book hotels or activities.