Kick-Flipping the Budget: Exploring Diverse Funding Sources for Skateboarding in the US

February 25, 2024

FlipGive is a free team funding app that makes raising money a breeze. Teams earn cash back for buying the things they already need. Get paid whenever you shop, dine out, book hotels or activities.

An In-depth Look at Sports Fundraising Sources in the US

The landscape of sports funding in the United States is a dynamic and multifaceted one. There are a multitude of sources available for teams and individual athletes to kick-flip their budget into a full-on skatepark of opportunities. In this article, we explore the various avenues through which sports teams can secure funding, highlight the growing niche of skateboarding sponsorships, and provide insights into companies that are actively investing in youth sports.

Kick-Flipping the Budget: A Skateboarder's Guide to Funding

Skateboarding, with its counterculture roots and Olympic debut in Tokyo 2020, has seen a spike in popularity and acceptance as a mainstream sport. However, funding for skateboarding can sometimes be as elusive as landing the perfect tre flip. The key to unlocking the financial vault is to look towards diverse funding sources.

  • Local Skate Shops: Often, local skate shops will sponsor events or individual skaters, providing equipment or funding in exchange for promotion and representation at competitions.
  • Skate Brands: Larger skateboarding brands are known to support athletes, especially those who have a growing presence in the sport. This can include free gear, travel expenses, or outright sponsorship deals.
  • Crowdfunding: Platforms like GoFundMe or Kickstarter allow skaters to reach out to their community and beyond. With a compelling story and engaging content, athletes can rally financial support for competitions, travel, or projects.
  • Contests and Competitions: Prize money from skateboarding contests can provide significant funding, though it requires the skill and dedication to compete and win against top talent.
  • Team Sport Funding: Beyond the Half-pipe

    While individual sports like skateboarding have their unique funding challenges, team sports also face the hurdle of raising enough money to sustain operations. From little league baseball to high school football, the quest for funding is unending. Here’s how teams across the country are raising the necessary funds:

  • Fundraising Events: Car washes, bake sales, and charity auctions are time-honored traditions that continue to be effective for team sports fundraising.
  • Corporate Sponsorships: Local and national businesses are a prime source of funding, offering donations in exchange for brand visibility on uniforms, at venues, or in event programs.
  • Grants: Various organizations offer grants for youth sports. These can come from government bodies, private foundations, or sports associations.
  • Merchandise Sales: Selling team-branded merchandise not only raises funds but also boosts team spirit and visibility in the community.
  • Exploring Corporate Citizenship: Companies Investing in Youth Sports

    Corporate America has a long history of investing in youth sports through sponsorships. Companies benefit by associating their brands with health, teamwork, and community development, while teams benefit from the financial support and resources that these sponsorships provide. Some companies have established reputations for their contributions to youth sports:

  • Dick's Sporting Goods: Through their Sports Matter program, Dick’s has committed to supporting teams facing financial challenges with a focus on sportsmanship and skill development.
  • Nike: A global leader in sports apparel and equipment, Nike has been known to sponsor teams and events, offering not just funding but also high-quality gear.
  • Under Armour: Through its UA Give Back program, Under Armour supports youth sports in underserved communities, promoting health and empowerment.
  • Local Businesses: It’s not just the big players who contribute; local businesses are often willing to support teams in their area, leading to a symbiotic relationship that fosters community spirit.
  • A Sustainable Approach to Sports Funding

    Successful sports funding is no longer about relying on a single source. Diversity and sustainability are key. Teams and athletes should be proactive in reaching out to multiple potential sponsors, hosting a variety of fundraising events, and utilizing the power of social media to spread their message. By creating a comprehensive funding strategy that includes local community engagement, corporate partnerships, and individual donor outreach, sports programs can ensure they have the financial stability to thrive.

    Conclusion: The Future of Sports Fundraising

    The future of sports fundraising in the US looks promising as long as teams and athletes are willing to adapt and diversify their approach to securing funds. With a more strategic mindset and a deeper understanding of the various sources available, the goal of obtaining sustainable financing for sports at all levels is well within reach. As skateboarding and other sports continue to evolve, so too will the methods by which they are funded, ensuring that athletes have the resources they need to succeed and grow.

    FlipGive Team

    FlipGive is a free team funding app that makes raising money a breeze. Teams earn cash back for buying the things they already need. Get paid whenever you shop, dine out, book hotels or activities.