Scoring Financial Support: Diving into the Diverse Funding Sources for Rugby in the US

February 21, 2024

FlipGive is a free team funding app that makes raising money a breeze. Teams earn cash back for buying the things they already need. Get paid whenever you shop, dine out, book hotels or activities.

Introduction to Sports Fundraising in the US

Fundraising is a critical aspect of sports teams and organizations across the United States. The ability to raise funds effectively can make the difference between a thriving program and one that struggles to cover its expenses. As the financial demands of running a sports team continue to rise - from equipment costs to travel expenses - finding diverse and reliable sources of funding has become more important than ever. This blog post will explore the different avenues available for sports fundraising in the U.S., with a particular focus on how rugby teams can secure financial support.

Local Business Sponsorships

One of the most traditional methods of raising funds for sports teams is through local business sponsorships. Companies often sponsor teams by offering financial support in exchange for advertising opportunities. This symbiotic relationship can be a win-win: businesses gain visibility within their community while teams receive the necessary funds to sustain their activities. Local restaurants, car dealerships, and other businesses are often open to such partnerships.

Fundraising Events and Selling Merchandise

Fundraising events such as tournaments, charity matches, or social gatherings can bring in significant funding for sports teams, especially when these events garner community support. Additionally, selling branded merchandise like team jerseys, hats, and other apparel can provide ongoing revenue while increasing team visibility. The key is to create items that fans and supporters are proud to wear, thereby turning them into ambassadors for the team.

Online Crowdfunding Platforms

The rise of online crowdfunding platforms has given sports teams a powerful tool to reach a broader audience. Websites like GoFundMe and Kickstarter allow teams to create fundraising campaigns that can be shared across social media and email. These platforms can be particularly effective for specific projects, such as funding a trip to a tournament or purchasing new equipment.

Grants and Foundations

Grants can be a substantial source of funding, but they require a significant investment of time and effort to apply for. Sports teams should look into grants from local governments, sports foundations, and nonprofits that are dedicated to promoting sports and physical activity. The key to a successful grant application is to clearly demonstrate how the funding will benefit the community or promote the sport.

Corporate Sponsorships

Larger, more established sports teams may benefit from corporate sponsorships. High-profile companies often sponsor sports as part of their marketing and corporate social responsibility strategies. It's critical to pitch these potential sponsors with a proposal that outlines the benefits for their brand, including media exposure and the chance to engage with fans.

Alumni Networks and Booster Clubs

For school and college teams, alumni networks and booster clubs can be invaluable resources for fundraising. These groups are comprised of individuals who have a vested interest in the success of the team and are often willing to contribute time, resources, and money. Engaging alumni through events and targeted fundraising campaigns can tap into their loyalty and willingness to support their alma mater.

Scoring Financial Support for Rugby

Rugby in the U.S. is a growing sport, and with that growth comes the need for more sophisticated fundraising methods. Rugby teams and organizations can look to the above-mentioned sources as a starting point for their fundraising efforts. Additionally, the rugby community is tight-knit and enthusiastic, which can be leveraged when organizing events and merchandise sales.

The Role of Rugby-Specific Initiatives

Various rugby-specific initiatives and foundations exist to support the sport at all levels. For instance, USA Rugby has a fundraising program tailored to support teams and clubs. By connecting with such organizations, teams can access resources, knowledge, and networks that are specifically geared towards advancing rugby in the U.S.

Companies That Sponsor Youth Sports

Youth sports sponsorships are a niche within the broader sponsorship landscape that offer mutual benefits for companies and teams alike. According to Jersey Watch, several companies are known for sponsoring youth sports, including big names like Dick's Sporting Goods, Under Armour, and even car manufacturers like Chevrolet. Such sponsorships can provide essential support for youth rugby programs, helping to cover costs and provide high-quality experiences for young athletes.

Building a Successful Fundraising Strategy

Creating a successful fundraising strategy involves a good mix of the sources mentioned above. It's important for sports teams - including rugby clubs - to understand their specific needs and to tailor their fundraising approaches accordingly. Transparency, communication, and community engagement are key factors in building trust with potential sponsors and supporters. By showcasing the positive impact of their sport, teams can unlock a range of funding opportunities.


The landscape of sports fundraising in the U.S. is as diverse as it is challenging. For a sport like rugby, which is still forging its path in the national consciousness, finding and securing financial support is crucial for growth and success. By being proactive and leveraging various fundraising sources—from local businesses to online crowdfunding—rugby teams can ensure they have the necessary resources to play, thrive, and expand the reach of this dynamic sport across the country.

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FlipGive is a free team funding app that makes raising money a breeze. Teams earn cash back for buying the things they already need. Get paid whenever you shop, dine out, book hotels or activities.