Scoring Big: Unveiling the Top Sources of Funding for Broomball Teams in the US

January 10, 2024

FlipGive is a free team funding app that makes raising money a breeze. Teams earn cash back for buying the things they already need. Get paid whenever you shop, dine out, book hotels or activities.

Revolutionizing Sports Fundraising: A Deep Dive into US Funding Sources for Broomball Teams

Sports fundraising is a vital aspect of keeping various athletic teams afloat, providing them with the necessary equipment, uniforms, and travel expenses. In the United States, broomball teams are no exception to this financial challenge. Innovation and creativity have become the cornerstones of successful fundraising strategies.

Unleashing the Power of Community Support

Community events stand as a testament to the power of local support for broomball teams. From car washes and bake sales to charity matches and silent auctions, these fundraising efforts not only generate funds but also promote team spirit and engagement. Community members take pride in contributing to the success of local teams, often establishing a loyal fan base in the process.

Granting Opportunities for Growth: Exploring Grants and Foundations

Grants and foundations are a more formal approach to securing funds. Teams can apply for sports grants provided by various organizations committed to the development of youth and amateur sports. These grants often require a detailed application that highlights the team's mission, financial need, and community impact.

Boosting Funds Through Corporate Sponsorships

Corporate sponsorships have emerged as a leading source of funding for broomball teams across the US. Local and national businesses alike see the value in associating their brand with youth and amateur sports. This partnership not only assists teams financially but also offers companies valuable marketing exposure. According to Jersey Watch, companies like Dick's Sporting Goods and Under Armour are known for their commitment to sponsoring youth sports, providing a potential avenue for broomball teams to secure financial backing.

Online Fundraising: Tapping into Digital Generosity

In the age of the internet, online fundraising campaigns have become increasingly popular. Platforms like GoFundMe or FlipGive allow teams to reach a broader audience, transcending the geographical limitations of traditional fundraising. With compelling stories and the ease of digital payments, supporters around the world can contribute to a team's financial goals with just a few clicks.

Merchandising: Wearing Support on Your Sleeve

Merchandising offers a dual benefit for broomball teams – it serves as a fundraising tool while simultaneously promoting team spirit and visibility. Selling branded gear such as jerseys, caps, and accessories not only helps raise funds but also allows fans to display their support meaningfully.

Playing the Long Game: Establishing Alumni Networks

Alumni networks are a goldmine for fundraising possibilities. Former players and associates have a vested interest in the success of their alma mater's teams. Through regular communications, alumni events, and dedicated campaigns, past members can contribute to the current team's financial stability.

The Win-Win of Hosting Tournaments and Events

Hosting tournaments and special events is a dynamic way to raise funds while showcasing the excitement of broomball. These gatherings provide a platform for multiple teams to compete and for the community to revel in the sport, all while raising funds through entry fees, concessions, and raffles.

Forging Partnerships with Local Restaurants and Businesses

Local restaurants and businesses can be incredible allies in sports fundraising. Teams can organize "Broomball Nights" where a percentage of the proceeds from sales are donated to the team. This not only drives up business for the restaurant but also fosters a relationship between the team and the local economy.

Seasonal Fundraising: Capitalizing on Holiday Spirit

Seasonal fundraising activities, such as holiday-themed events or summer camps, can provide significant boosts to a broomball team's budget. These events can be both fun and lucrative, tapping into the generosity that tends to swell during festive seasons.

The Ultimate Goal: Building a Sustained Fundraising Program

The ultimate aim for any broomball team should be the creation of a sustained fundraising program - one that not only addresses immediate needs but also secures the financial future of the team. Balancing short-term activities with long-term strategies ensures a steady stream of resources that allows teams to thrive season after season.

Takeaways for Broomball Team Success

Securing funding remains a top priority for broomball teams striving to excel in their sport. By embracing the rich array of fundraising sources - from community efforts and corporate sponsorships to online campaigns and merchandise sales - teams can lay a robust financial foundation. The key is to maintain a mix of creativity, persistence, and strategic partnerships that together can secure the resources necessary for both immediate and long-term success.


The landscape of sports fundraising in the US is dynamic and requires teams to be proactive and innovative. Broomball teams, by leveraging the top sources of funding, can ensure their players are equipped not just to play, but to excel and grow in their sport. The support of the community, businesses, and alumni can turn the tide, helping teams score big both on and off the ice.

FlipGive Team

FlipGive is a free team funding app that makes raising money a breeze. Teams earn cash back for buying the things they already need. Get paid whenever you shop, dine out, book hotels or activities.