5 Engaging Skateboarding Drills to Boost Kids' Board Skills and Confidence

Level up your child's skateboarding abilities with these 5 fun and effective drills that are sure to build their skills and boost their confidence on the board. Watch them transform into fearless skaters as they master new tricks and challenge themselves in a safe and exciting way.

February 26, 2024

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5 Engaging Skateboarding Drills to Boost Kids' Board Skills and Confidence

Skateboarding is more than just a fun activity; it's a way to build confidence, improve balance, and develop an array of motor skills. For kids especially, learning through drills can be an enjoyable way to enhance their skateboarding abilities. Below, we've detailed five engaging drills that are perfect for young skaters eager to take their board skills to the next level, incorporating practices from sporting experts at Australian Sports Camps.

1. The Balance and Flexibility Drill

Mastering the art of balance is foundational in skateboarding. To help kids improve their balance, encourage them to practice the following:

  • Find a flat, smooth surface where they can practice standing on their skateboard without moving. This is about getting comfortable with the board's feel under their feet.
  • Once they've mastered standing still, they can practice slight leans forward and backward without their wheels rolling. This helps to understand the board's tipping point.
  • Graduate to the "manual" trick, where they balance on the back wheels, and the "nose manual" on the front wheels, to boost both balance and flexibility.
  • This drill doesn’t just promote balance; it also enhances core strength, which is essential for executing more complex maneuvers.

    2. The Obstacle Course

    Creating a simple obstacle course is an excellent way for kids to work on their agility and board control. Here's how to set up a skateboard-friendly course:

  • Use cones, empty bottles, or soft toys as markers for children to weave around.
  • Space out the markers at varying distances to challenge them to make sharp turns and navigate through them with ease.
  • As they progress, introduce ramps or small jumps to the course, so they learn to manage elevation changes.
  • Time trials can add a fun competitive edge and encourage them to keep improving their speed and precision.

    3. Pumping on Ramps

    Pumping is a technique used on ramps to gain momentum without pedaling. It's a fundamental skill in skateboarding, and here’s a way to practice it:

  • Find a small ramp or half-pipe where kids can practice going up and down without having to push with their feet.
  • Explain the concept of bending their knees to gain speed as they descend and straightening them as they ascend.
  • Encourage them to feel the rhythm and gradually increase their speed and height with each pump.
  • This drill helps develop a sense of timing and teaches the physics of skateboarding in an intuitive way.

    4. The Kick-turn Practice

    To change direction quickly on a skateboard, kick-turns are essential. They require a combination of balance and agility. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  • Have the kids start with stationary kick-turns, rotating their shoulders in the direction they wish to turn while lifting the front wheels slightly off the ground with their back foot.
  • Progress to performing kick-turns while moving slowly to understand the necessary weight transfer.
  • Increase the speed as they get comfortable to build confidence in executing kick-turns at different speeds and on various surfaces.
  • As they practice, remind them to keep their eyes on where they want to go, as this guides their body's movement.

    5. The Stopping Safely Drill

    One of the most crucial aspects of skateboarding is knowing how to stop safely. Practicing this can prevent accidents and injuries:

  • Teach them the foot brake, where they gently lower their back foot to the ground to create friction and slow down.
  • Introduce the tail stop, which involves pressing down on the tail of the skateboard to drag it along the ground, slowing the board.
  • For more advanced skaters, they can learn to slide the board sideways to come to a quick halt.
  • Knowing multiple stopping techniques ensures that kids can safely control their speed in any situation.

    These drills are not just about improving skateboarding skills; they're about instilling a sense of achievement and self-assuredness in kids. By practicing consistently and safely, young skaters can enjoy the freedom and excitement of skateboarding while building a strong foundation for future skills. Remember, the key to successful practice is patience, encouragement, and creating a fun learning environment that they'll want to come back to time and time again.

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