10 Fun Rugby Drills to Get Kids Excited About the Game

Engage young athletes with these entertaining rugby drills designed to ignite their passion for the game and improve their skills in a dynamic and enjoyable way.

December 13, 2023

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10 Fun Rugby Drills to Get Kids Excited About the Game

Rugby is a thrilling sport that combines physical prowess with strategic thinking. For kids, it's not just a game, but an avenue to develop teamwork, coordination, and discipline. To foster a love for the game and ensure they're having fun, we've compiled a list of 10 rugby drills designed to get kids excited about stepping onto the pitch. These drills can be easily modified for different skill levels and can be practiced at home or on the field.

1. Bulldog Tag

Bulldog Tag is an exhilarating warm-up game that boosts agility and awareness. Kids start at one end of the field and attempt to run to the other side without being tagged by the "bulldogs" in the middle. Once tagged, they join the bulldogs, making it increasingly challenging for the remaining players to cross untagged.

2. Passing Relay

To master the art of passing, kids can partner up for a passing relay. Partners stand in parallel lines and pass the ball back and forth while moving forward. This drill improves hand-eye coordination and encourages accurate, timely passing.

3. Tunnel Ball

Tunnel Ball focuses on passing accuracy and teamwork. Kids form a tunnel with their legs apart and pass the ball through the tunnel to the player at the end, who runs to the front to continue the drill. This keeps everyone engaged and moving.

4. The Gauntlet

The Gauntlet is a drill that simulates in-game pressure. One player runs the gauntlet, dodging 'tacklers' who are armed with tackle bags. This helps build evasion skills and resilience under pressure.

5. Sharks and Minnows

This game is all about evasion and spatial awareness. One or two 'sharks' stand in the middle of a grid, while the rest, the 'minnows,' must cross without being tagged. Tagged minnows join the sharks, and the last minnow standing wins.

6. Catch and Clap

A simple yet effective drill, Catch and Clap, enhances reaction time and catching skills. Kids throw the ball up in the air, clap, and then catch it. As they improve, they increase the number of claps before the catch.

7. Kick Tennis

Kick Tennis is a fun way to develop kicking skills. It's played over a makeshift 'net' with two teams. The objective is to kick the rugby ball over the net within bounds, making it challenging for the opposing team to return the kick.

8. Obstacle Course

Creating an obstacle course incorporating rugby skills like weaving through cones, crawling under ropes, and jumping over hurdles helps develop agility, balance, and ball handling. Kids love the challenge and variety this drill offers.

9. Ruck Ball

Ruck Ball teaches the fundamentals of rucking. Kids compete to secure a ball on the ground, emphasizing proper body position and drive. It's a controlled way for them to learn the physical aspect of the game safely.

10. One-on-One Tackle Drills

Safety is paramount in rugby, and proper tackling technique is crucial. One-on-One Tackle Drills involve a ball carrier and a defender. The focus is on the defender making a safe, effective tackle, while the ball carrier tries to evade the tackle.

These drills not only make rugby training sessions more enjoyable, but they also instill essential skills that young players will carry with them as they grow in the sport. When integrating these drills into practice, remember the importance of positive reinforcement and creating a supportive atmosphere where kids feel confident to try new things and improve at their own pace. Rugby is more than just a game; it's about building character, camaraderie, and lifelong love for an incredible sport.

  • Warm-up game with Bulldog Tag enhances agility and awareness.
  • Passing Relay teaches kids the essentials of moving the ball quickly and accurately.
  • Tunnel Ball promotes teamwork and communication among young players.
  • The Gauntlet drill simulates in-game situations to build evasion skills.
  • Sharks and Minnows develop spatial awareness and strategic thinking.
  • Catch and Clap is a simple drill for improving hand-eye coordination.
  • Kick Tennis introduces kids to the tactical aspects of kicking.
  • An Obstacle Course combines fitness with fun while incorporating rugby skills.
  • Ruck Ball gives players a taste of competitive play without full contact.
  • One-on-One Tackle Drills prioritize safety and proper technique.
  • In conclusion, integrating fun and engaging drills into rugby practices for kids serves multiple purposes. It ignites a passion for the sport, develops fundamental skills, and promotes a healthy, active lifestyle. By using the drills outlined above, parents and coaches can provide a dynamic and enjoyable rugby experience for kids to practice at home, at school, or in local clubs, setting the foundation for the next generation of rugby enthusiasts.

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