5 Exciting Kickball Drills to Boost Skills and Fun for Kids on the Field

Get ready for a kickball extravaganza! Explore five thrilling drills that will take your child's skills and fun to new heights on the field.

May 6, 2024

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5 Exciting Kickball Drills to Boost Skills and Fun for Kids on the Field

Kickball is a classic playground sport that not only promotes physical activity but also teaches kids valuable teamwork and coordination skills. To make the most out of this lively game, incorporating drills that are as enjoyable as they are effective is essential. Here are five engaging kickball drills tailored to get kids excited about improving their game while having a blast on the field.

1. Base Running Relays

Base running is a fundamental aspect of kickball, and relays are a fantastic way to hone speed and agility. Divide the children into teams and have them line up at home plate. At your signal, the first player from each team kicks the ball and runs through all the bases. The moment they touch home plate, the next player kicks the ball and does the same. This drill emphasizes not only quick base running but also encourages cheering and team spirit as players root for their teammates.

2. Kick Accuracy Challenge

Accurate kicking is pivotal in kickball. Set up cones or markers to create target zones in different parts of the field. Players take turns kicking the ball from the pitcher's mound, aiming to get the ball to stop within these designated areas. This drill reinforces control over power and helps players learn to strategically place their kicks during the game.

3. Pop Fly Practice

Catching pop flies can be a tricky skill to master for young players. Using a soft kickball, a coach or another player can throw the ball high into the air, challenging the fielders to catch it. This exercise not only improves hand-eye coordination but also teaches players how to communicate effectively, as they will need to call out to avoid collisions with teammates.

4. Pitcher's Power Play

The role of the pitcher in kickball is crucial. For this drill, players take turns practicing their pitching skills by rolling the ball toward home plate, trying to hit a specific target or knock down pins placed on the base. This enhances precision and control, which is necessary for every successful pitcher.

5. Kickball Dodge Drill

This fun and dynamic drill combine the excitement of dodgeball with kickball. Players are divided into two groups; one group kicks the ball while the other group tries to dodge it. If a player is hit, they perform a task, such as running the bases or doing jumping jacks, before rejoining the game. This keeps the children active and engaged while practicing their kicking and dodging skills.

Sports Drills at Home: Keeping the Momentum Going

When kids can't make it to the field, they can still continue to practice and improve their kickball abilities at home. Here are a few sports drills ideas that can be easily set up in the backyard:

  • Obstacle Course: Set up a simple obstacle course using household items to practice agility and quick directional changes, similar to base running.
  • Kicking Target Practice: Use laundry baskets as targets for kids to practice their kicking accuracy in the backyard.
  • Balloon Pop Fly: Balloons make for a softer, slower alternative to the ball. Kids can play catch with a balloon to work on their pop fly catches without fearing injury.
  • Wall Ball: A sturdy wall can be a great asset for solo practice. Kids can kick the ball against the wall to practice trapping and controlling rebounds.
  • Passing Drills: Two or more players can practice their passing skills by kicking the ball back and forth to each other, trying to maintain control and accuracy.
  • By incorporating these creative and skill-enhancing kickball drills into practices and at-home play routines, kids will not only improve their abilities on the field but will also develop a deeper love for the game. Remember, the key to a successful sports drill for kids is to make sure it's challenging, beneficial, and above all, fun!

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