5 Engaging Inline Hockey Drills for Kids to Boost Their Skating and Scoring Skills!

Improve your child's skating and scoring abilities with these five dynamic inline hockey drills designed to keep them engaged and motivated throughout their training sessions. Watch their skills soar as they develop their technique, speed, and accuracy on wheels!

March 26, 2024

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5 Engaging Inline Hockey Drills for Kids to Boost Their Skating and Scoring Skills

Inline hockey is a fantastic way for kids to develop coordination, agility, and teamwork. It's a fun and high-energy sport that can be played almost anywhere with just a few pieces of equipment. To help young players sharpen their skills, we've compiled a list of five engaging drills that focus on improving skating and scoring abilities. These activities are designed to be both enjoyable and challenging, ensuring kids are always motivated to practice and improve.

Drill #1: Cone Weaving for Agility

The key to excellent inline hockey play is agility and the ability to change directions quickly. Cone weaving is an essential drill that helps kids improve their footwork and body control.

Setup: Place a line of cones on the playing surface, spaced about three feet apart.

How to Do It: Players will skate forward through the cones, weaving in and out as quickly as possible without knocking any over. Encourage them to keep low and use their edges to turn sharply. To advance this drill, increase the speed or decrease the spacing between the cones.

Drill #2: Stop-and-Start Speed Drills

Being able to start, stop, and change direction quickly is vital in inline hockey. This drill emphasizes explosive power and braking ability.

Setup: Use the goal line as the starting point.

How to Do It: Players skate to the first faceoff dot, perform a quick stop, and then skate back to the starting line to stop again. Next, they skate to the second faceoff dot and back. Continue this pattern, extending the distance each time. Encourage quick recoveries and powerful takeoffs after each stop.

Drill #3: Passing Precision

Accurate passing is a fundamental skill in hockey. This drill develops precision and timing in passing while in motion.

Setup: Players pair up and stand opposite each other across a line of cones.

How to Do It: As they skate parallel to each other down the line of cones, they pass the puck back and forth without losing control or missing a pass. To make the drill more challenging, increase the distance between players or add more cones to weave through between passes.

Drill #4: Shooting Accuracy

Being a great scorer isn’t just about power; it's about placing the puck exactly where you want it to go. This drill helps players focus on their shooting accuracy.

Setup: Place targets in the corners of the goal and one in the center, just above the goalie's blocker.

How to Do It: Players take shots from different angles, trying to hit the targets with their pucks. Vary the distance and angle to work on different types of shots, such as wrist shots, backhands, and slap shots.

Drill #5: Puck Control Obstacle Course

Puck control is crucial for effective gameplay. This drill combines skating, stickhandling, and spatial awareness.

Setup: Create an obstacle course using cones, sticks, and tires that players must navigate while maintaining control of the puck.

How to Do It: Players must maneuver through the obstacle course as quickly as possible without losing the puck. They should focus on keeping their head up to improve their awareness during actual game situations. For added difficulty, time the players to encourage speed as well as control.

Implementing these inline hockey drills into a child's practice routine can lead to significant improvements in their skating and scoring capabilities. Not only do these drills reinforce essential hockey skills, but they also keep the practice sessions fun and engaging. By continuously challenging themselves with these drills, young players can build the confidence and proficiency needed to excel in the sport of inline hockey.

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