Jump Into Action: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Starting a Trampoline Sports Team

A Complete Playbook for Finding Sponsors for Your Trampoline Sports Team

December 7, 2023

FlipGive is a free team funding app that makes raising money a breeze. Teams earn cash back for buying the things they already need. Get paid whenever you shop, dine out, book hotels or activities.

Finding Sponsors for Your Trampoline Sports Team: A Complete Playbook

Starting a trampoline sports team is an exciting venture that combines the thrill of acrobatic skills with the spirit of team competition. Whether you’re leaping into a new trampoline dodgeball league or bouncing towards competitive routines, the question of funding is bound to arise. Securing sponsors for your trampoline sports team can give your athletes the support they need to succeed. Here’s a guide on how to attract sponsors and kickstart your team into action.

Understanding the Needs of a Trampoline Sports Team

Before seeking out sponsors, it's essential to understand what your team requires to soar to new heights. A trampoline sports team’s needs can range from equipment, uniforms, training facilities, travel expenses for competitions, to insurance costs. Outline the specifics of where sponsorship money will go to ensure a clear proposal when approaching potential sponsors.

Building a Strong Foundation

Your team's mission, vision, and values are crucial in attracting sponsors. Ensure you have a solid structure, including a clear business plan, a dedicated team of coaches and management, and a strategy for growth and success. Sponsors want to align themselves with well-organized and promising teams. Citing resources like "Jump Into Action: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Starting a Trampoline Sports Team" can demonstrate your team's commitment and professionalism.

Identifying Potential Sponsors

Start by looking for businesses and organizations that have a vested interest in sports, health, and community. These typically include local businesses, sports gear companies, health and wellness brands, and larger corporations with community outreach programs. It's also worth exploring non-traditional sponsors, such as entertainment venues or educational institutions, which align with the dynamic and fun nature of trampoline sports.

Crafting a Winning Sponsorship Proposal

Your sponsorship proposal should include an introduction to your team, a detailed explanation of the benefits to the sponsor, the different sponsorship levels, and the expected outcomes of their support. Be sure to highlight what makes your team unique and how the sponsor’s brand will gain visibility. Provide data and demographics about your team and supporters to paint a picture of the potential audience the sponsor can reach.

Effective Pitching Techniques

When you're ready to pitch to sponsors, personalization is key. Tailor your pitches to the interests and business goals of each potential sponsor. Build relationships by expressing genuine interest in their business and showing them exactly how sponsoring your team can benefit them. Remember to be clear, concise, and direct in your proposals, and be prepared to answer any questions they may have.

Leveraging Social Media and Online Presence

In today’s digital world, an active online presence can be a game-changer. Share your trampoline team's journey on social media platforms to create an engaged community. Show sponsors the value you provide in terms of online reach and engagement. You can also point out parallels with successful ventures, such as the detailed account of starting a trampoline park found at https://www.softplay.com/blog/starting-trampoline-park/ to showcase the potential impact of the sport.

Maintaining Sponsor Relationships

Finding sponsors is just the beginning. Building and maintaining strong relationships with your sponsors is crucial for long-term success. Provide them with regular updates on the team’s achievements, media coverage, and community impact. Make sure to deliver on any promised exposure and recognize your sponsors at events, on your website, and in promotional materials.

Additional Funding Avenues

Beyond sponsorships, consider exploring other funding methods such as hosting fundraising events, creating a crowdfunding campaign, or applying for grants. These initiatives not only help with financing but also raise awareness for your team and potentially attract more sponsors.

Measuring Success and Providing Feedback

Keep track of how well your sponsorship efforts are paying off. Survey the team, audience, and the sponsors themselves to gauge the effectiveness of the partnerships. Use this feedback to improve your approach and ensure your sponsors feel valued and see the benefits of their investment.


Finding the right sponsors for your trampoline sports team can be a challenge, but it’s a jump worth taking. With a compelling mission, detailed planning, and a strong pitch, your team can form lasting partnerships that propel everyone to success. Harness the tips provided, and your team will not only find sponsors but also build a springboard for growth and long-term sustainability.

FlipGive Team

FlipGive is a free team funding app that makes raising money a breeze. Teams earn cash back for buying the things they already need. Get paid whenever you shop, dine out, book hotels or activities.