Starting Your Own Ringette Team: A Step-by-Step Guide to Hitting the Ice Running

Securing Sponsorship for Your Sport Team: A Strategic Play

February 13, 2024

FlipGive is a free team funding app that makes raising money a breeze. Teams earn cash back for buying the things they already need. Get paid whenever you shop, dine out, book hotels or activities.

Securing Sponsorship for Your Sport Team: A Strategic Play

For amateur and semi-professional sports teams, finding sponsors can be as critical to the game as the athletes themselves. Securing sponsorship mitigates costs, enhances team spirit, and fosters community connections. This is especially true for niche sports like ringette, where resources and visibility can be more challenging to come by. Let's dive in and learn the art of attracting sponsors for your sports team, with an additional lens on starting your own ringette team.

The Pre-Game: Understanding Sponsorship Basics

Before reaching out to potential sponsors, you'll want to understand exactly what sponsorship entails. Sponsorships are partnerships between your team and a business where both parties benefit. Your team gains financial or in-kind support, while the sponsor increases brand visibility and corporate goodwill. It's a strategic relationship built on mutual interests and goals.

First Period: Defining Your Ringette Team's Vision

Starting any sports team requires a clear vision. For ringette, which is rapidly growing in Canada and internationally, a strong foundation will set your team apart. This includes defining team values, goals, and the specific needs your team has — whether it be uniforms, equipment, ice time, or travel expenses. A defined purpose not only guides your team but also attracts sponsors aligned with your vision.

Second Period: Crafting Your Proposal

Armed with your vision, the next step is to create a sponsorship proposal. This document should outline the benefits for potential sponsors, your team's demographics, and what you're offering in return. Be specific: Will their logo be on jerseys? Will they get a banner at games? Tailor the proposal to each sponsor you approach, showing you've done your homework and understand their business.

Third Period: Scouting for Sponsors

Sponsorship is a two-way relationship. When looking for sponsors, consider local businesses with a stake in community development, companies with a history of supporting sports, and new businesses looking to establish their brand. Don't overlook non-traditional sponsors — local art studios, tech companies, and other organizations might be interested in the unique demographic that ringette teams can offer.

Face-Off: Making The Pitch

When it’s time to pitch to sponsors, ensure you articulate your team's value proposition clearly. Personalize your approach; a generic request will not resonate as powerfully as one that recognizes the potential sponsor's business goals and community presence. Be professional, but let your passion for ringette shine through.

Power Play: Negotiating the Deal

A sponsorship is not a donation — it's a partnership. Be prepared to negotiate terms that work for both parties. This might involve different levels of sponsorship, or a multi-year deal that benefits both the team and the sponsor in the long game.

Victory Lap: Maintaining the Relationship

Like any relationship, sponsorships need care and attention. Keep sponsors updated with regular communications, involve them in team events, and always show your appreciation. A satisfied sponsor is more likely to continue their support and potentially increase their involvement.

Starting Your Own Ringette Team: A Step-by-Step Guide to Hitting the Ice Running

Creating a ringette team requires careful planning and execution. Begin with assembling a committed group of players and staff. Identify roles and responsibilities early on, including coaches, managers, and support staff. Secure your ice time, ensuring you have a home base for practices and games. Invest in quality equipment and create a schedule that balances practice, games, and rest.

Enlisting Support: Engaging with the Community and Stakeholders

Engage with the local ringette association, potential sponsors, and the wider community. Host community events to raise awareness of your team and build a fan base. Leverage local media, social media, and other platforms to keep your team visible and top-of-mind for potential supporters.

The Winning Strategy

Finding sponsors for your sports team, particularly for a unique sport like ringette, requires strategic thinking, compelling communication, and an ongoing commitment to partnership. Tailor your approach to each sponsor's business, make your pitch personal, and maintain the relationship with regular updates and genuine appreciation. With the right strategy in place, your ringette team can hit the ice with the backing it needs for a successful season.

Useful Resources for Further Information

  • A platform for team fundraising and sponsorships
  • Guidance and resources for creating a team
  • Ringette Canada: National organization dedicated to the sport of ringette
  • FlipGive Team

    FlipGive is a free team funding app that makes raising money a breeze. Teams earn cash back for buying the things they already need. Get paid whenever you shop, dine out, book hotels or activities.