Revving Up From Scratch: Your Ultimate Guide to Starting a Motocross Team

Revving Up From Scratch: Attracting Sponsors for Your Motocross Team

February 29, 2024

FlipGive is a free team funding app that makes raising money a breeze. Teams earn cash back for buying the things they already need. Get paid whenever you shop, dine out, book hotels or activities.

Finding Sponsors for Your Motocross Team: A Detailed Blueprint

Starting your own motocross team is an exhilarating venture, filled with the roar of engines and the thrill of jumps. However, it's also a significant financial undertaking. One crucial step to fueling your team's success is securing sponsorships. This not only eases the financial burden but also adds credibility and support to your budding team. Here's your ultimate guide to attracting those much-needed sponsors.

Understand Your Value Proposition

Before you begin to approach potential sponsors, it's essential to know what you're offering. Sponsors are looking for a return on their investment, and your team must provide value in exchange for their support. This could be in the form of advertising their products, showcasing their brand at events, or engaging with the community in a way that reflects positively on the sponsor.

Creating a Striking Sponsorship Proposal

Your sponsorship proposal is your first impression. It should be professional, compelling, and informative. Detail your team's background, achievements, and potential. Include statistics, such as social media following or event attendance figures, to show your reach. Make a clear case for why a partnership with your team would be beneficial to a sponsor.

Target the Right Sponsors

Motorcycle dealerships, gear manufacturers, and lifestyle brands are excellent starting points when looking for sponsors. However, don't limit yourself; local businesses and non-endemic companies might also be interested. Consider businesses that align with your team’s ethos or that are looking to tap into the motocross market.

Networking and Relationship Building

Networking is key in securing sponsorships. Attend industry events, races, and trade shows to meet potential sponsors in person. Engage with them on social media, and build genuine relationships. Personal connections can often lead to sponsorship deals.

Leveraging Online Platforms

Utilize online forums like ThumperTalk, which hosts discussions on topics like starting a motocross team. Here, you can find seasoned advice from community members and possibly connect with interested sponsors. Forums are a great place to learn from others’ experiences and can be an untapped resource for sponsorship leads.

Offering Diverse Sponsorship Levels

To appeal to a wide range of sponsors, offer various sponsorship tiers. This allows smaller businesses to contribute at a lower level while providing more extensive packages for larger companies. Each level should have clear benefits that increase in value to match the investment.

Staying Professional and Prepared

When you start discussions with potential sponsors, be ready to answer any questions they might have. Have a detailed budget, a marketing plan, and insights into how their funds will be used. Show them you are serious and that their contribution will be managed professionally.

Maintaining Sponsor Relationships

Once you've secured sponsors, it's critical to maintain those relationships. Keep sponsors informed with regular updates, showing them the tangible results of their support. Make them feel like an integral part of the team's journey. Happy sponsors are more likely to commit long-term and might even increase their support.

Utilize Social Media for Promotion

In today's digital age, a strong social media presence can be incredibly effective in attracting sponsors. Showcase your team's personality, achievements, and event highlights regularly. Tag sponsors in your posts to give them added exposure and indicate to potential sponsors that you're actively promoting your current partners.

Host Fundraising Events

Apart from traditional sponsorship, consider hosting fundraising events. These can range from local races to meet-and-greets with the riders. Such events not only raise money but also attract local media attention, which can, in turn, draw in sponsors.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

When entering into sponsorships, it's important to handle the legalities professionally. Draft clear contracts that outline each party's obligations and rights. Ensure you fulfill all sponsorship agreements ethically and within the terms set forth to build trust and a solid reputation.

Follow Up and Feedback

After each event or season, provide sponsors with a detailed report of the outcomes of their support. Include metrics such as media coverage, audience reach, and any increase in sales or brand recognition they’ve gained. This not only shows your appreciation but helps in negotiations for continued or increased sponsorship.


Finding sponsors for your motocross team requires a combination of preparation, professionalism, and persistence. By creating a compelling value proposition, targeting the right sponsors, and maintaining strong relationships, you can secure the financial backing needed to propel your team to new heights. Remember, each sponsor you secure is not just a source of funds but a partner in your team's racing journey.

FlipGive Team

FlipGive is a free team funding app that makes raising money a breeze. Teams earn cash back for buying the things they already need. Get paid whenever you shop, dine out, book hotels or activities.