Starting from Scratch: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Broomball Team

Creating a successful broomball team is easier than you think - follow these step-by-step instructions to go from zero to championship contenders in no time!

December 25, 2023

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Mastering the Ice: Essential Tips for Conducting Successful Broomball Tryouts

Running sports tryouts can be a challenging but essential part of building a successful broomball team. It's the time to assess skills, identify talent, and form a cohesive group of players. Whether you are a seasoned coach or a first-time organizer, these tips will help you conduct tryouts that lead to success.

1. Plan ahead and set clear objectives

Before your tryouts, it's crucial to have a well-thought-out plan. Define the purpose of the tryouts and the specific objectives you want to achieve. Are you looking for skilled players, team chemistry, or a combination of both? Clearly communicate your goals to both the players and the evaluators, so everyone is on the same page.

2. Create a fair and inclusive selection process

Transparency and fairness are key in tryout evaluations. Develop a structured scoring system that focuses on essential broomball skills such as stick handling, shooting, passing, and teamwork. Consider including non-skill-based criteria such as attitude, effort, and coachability. This approach ensures a comprehensive evaluation and allows for a diverse and inclusive team selection.

3. Utilize a variety of drills and game-like scenarios

Varying the types of drills and scenarios during tryouts will give players a chance to showcase different skills and adaptability. Include drills that test individual abilities as well as team dynamics. Incorporate game situations to assess decision-making and strategic thinking. By using a wide range of exercises, you can better evaluate players' abilities in various aspects of the game.

4. Communicate with players and parents

Open and honest communication before, during, and after tryouts is crucial. Provide participants with clear instructions and expectations. Address any questions or concerns from players and parents to ensure they feel informed and included in the process. Keep them updated on the timeline for team selection and let them know when and how they will receive results.

5. Provide constructive feedback

After the tryouts, it's essential to give each player constructive feedback on their performance. Highlight their strengths and areas for improvement. This feedback not only helps players understand where they stand but also shows that you value their efforts. Encourage players to continue developing their skills and offer resources or recommendations for improvement.

By following these tips, you'll be well on your way to conducting successful broomball tryouts. Remember, tryouts are not just about selecting the most skilled players but also about building a cohesive and dedicated team. Good luck!

For more detailed information on successful tryouts, be sure to check out the helpful article on It provides five additional tips that will further enhance your tryout process.

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FlipGive is a free team funding app that makes raising money a breeze. Teams earn cash back for buying the things they already need. Get paid whenever you shop, dine out, book hotels or activities.