Gliding into Team Spirit: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Starting a Snowboarding Team

10 Proven Strategies to Attract Sponsorship Deals for Your Snowboarding Team

February 20, 2024

FlipGive is a free team funding app that makes raising money a breeze. Teams earn cash back for buying the things they already need. Get paid whenever you shop, dine out, book hotels or activities.

How to Find Sponsors for Your Snowboarding Team

Securing sponsorship deals can be a game-changer for snowboarding teams, providing the essential funds and support needed to succeed. Whether you're a local club or a team competing at a higher level, attracting sponsors is crucial. From enhancing your visibility to offering mutual benefits, let's explore ten proven strategies to attract sponsorship deals for your snowboarding team.

1. Define Your Team's Value Proposition

Sponsors need a compelling reason to invest in your team. Define what makes your team unique, your achievements, and your future goals. Consider what you can offer a sponsor in terms of exposure and branding opportunities. Clear value propositions are more likely to engage potential sponsors who see an alignment with their brand values.

2. Build a Professional Sponsorship Package

A well-structured sponsorship package is your first point of contact with potential sponsors. It should include your value proposition, demographics of your fans, types of sponsorships available, and the benefits for the sponsor. Tailor packages to individual sponsors to show thoughtfulness and a willingness to create a mutually beneficial relationship.

3. Leverage Social Media Outreach

Social media is a powerful tool for reaching potential sponsors. Create engaging content that highlights your team’s personality, achievements, and community involvement. Use these platforms to connect with brands that share an affinity with snowboarding or sports in general, and personalize your outreach to them.

4. Engage in Local Community Events

Participation in community events increases your team's visibility and displays a commitment to local development. These engagements provide networking opportunities and a chance to meet potential sponsors who are interested in giving back to the community.

5. Offer Exclusive Experiences

Sponsors are attracted to unique experiences that they can be part of. Offer them exclusive opportunities such as VIP access to events, meet-and-greets with the athletes, or behind-the-scenes tours. These experiences can incentivize sponsorship by providing value that extends beyond simple brand exposure.

6. Network Effectively

Networking is vital in finding sponsors. Attend industry events, sports conferences, and business gatherings. Never underestimate the power of word-of-mouth; let your personal and professional networks know you're seeking sponsorships. You never know who they might connect you with.

7. Craft a Strong Pitch

A well-crafted pitch can make a significant impact. Clearly explain how sponsorship can benefit the potential sponsor specifically. Be prepared to articulate your team's story, successes, and how their brand fits into your vision.

8. Identify and Target Specific Brands

Do your homework and target brands that have a history of supporting snowboarding or similar sports. This tailored approach can lead to more positive responses, as these sponsors are more likely to appreciate the value of investing in a snowboarding team.

9. Foster Long-Term Relationships

Sponsorship is not just about the immediate financial boost. Aim to cultivate long-term relationships with sponsors. Show them the impact of their support on your team's performance and growth. Regular updates and appreciation can lead to ongoing partnership opportunities.

10. Demonstrate Media Savvy

Media coverage can greatly enhance your appeal to sponsors. Demonstrate your ability to garner media attention by featuring in local news, sports blogs, or interviews. Show potential sponsors that you can help elevate their brand through various media channels.

Utilizing Online Fundraising Platforms

In addition to direct sponsorship, online fundraising platforms like GoFundMe can supplement your efforts. You can create a campaign for your snowboarding team, promote it on social media, and reach out to your community for support. GoFundMe offers a step-by-step guide on how to get team sponsors, which advises on setting up an attractive campaign page, sharing your story compellingly, and effectively spreading the word to secure funding. You can capitalize on this resource by following their expert tips and integrating them into your overall sponsorship strategy.


Attracting sponsors for your snowboarding team requires a strategic approach, careful planning, and a commitment to building lasting relationships. By utilizing these ten strategies and taking advantage of platforms like GoFundMe, you're on the right track to securing the sponsorships that can help propel your team to success. Remember, persistence is key, and with every proposal, you're gaining valuable experience in the art of attracting sponsorship deals.

FlipGive Team

FlipGive is a free team funding app that makes raising money a breeze. Teams earn cash back for buying the things they already need. Get paid whenever you shop, dine out, book hotels or activities.