Kickstarting Your Crew: A Step-by-Step Guide to Forming a Skateboarding Team

10 Proven Strategies to Land Sponsors for Your Skateboarding Team

January 17, 2024

FlipGive is a free team funding app that makes raising money a breeze. Teams earn cash back for buying the things they already need. Get paid whenever you shop, dine out, book hotels or activities.

How to Find Sponsors for Your Skateboarding Team

Skateboarding has evolved into a prominent sport with a unique culture and passionate fan base. For skateboarding teams, securing sponsorship can be pivotal, providing financial support, merchandise, and exposure. However, the journey to attracting sponsors requires strategy, persistence, and a touch of creativity. Below are ten proven strategies to help your skateboarding team land those coveted sponsorships.

1. Build a Strong Team Brand

Before approaching potential sponsors, it's essential to establish your team's brand. A strong, recognizable brand makes your team stand out and gives sponsors confidence that you'll effectively represent their company. Consider your team's image, values, and the unique attributes that make you appealing to a sponsor.

2. Create a Compelling Sponsorship Proposal

Your sponsorship proposal is a crucial tool in negotiations. It should include your team's history, accomplishments, media coverage, and community involvement. Clearly outline what the sponsor will gain from supporting your team, such as logo placements, social media promotions, and access to your audience.

3. Target the Right Companies

Seek out companies that align with skateboarding culture and your team’s values. Brands that already support sports, lifestyle, and youth culture are more likely to be interested in a partnership. Make a list of potential sponsors and research each one to tailor your pitch accordingly.

4. Leverage Social Media

Utilize social media platforms to showcase your team's talent and personality. Regularly post high-quality content to engage with fans and create a community around your team. A strong social media presence is attractive to sponsors looking to reach a wider audience.

5. Network at Skateboarding Events

Events are prime opportunities to network with potential sponsors. Attend skateboarding competitions, trade shows, and community events to make connections. Be prepared with business cards and a refined elevator pitch summarizing your team and what you’re looking for in a sponsorship.

6. Offer Exclusivity

Consider offering exclusive sponsorship opportunities to a single brand. Exclusivity can be a strong incentive, as it promises the sponsor that they will be the only brand within their industry represented by your team. This can lead to a more substantial partnership and greater investment in your success.

7. Utilize Testimonials and Endorsements

Gather testimonials from previous sponsors, community leaders, and fans to vouch for your team. Positive endorsements can greatly enhance your credibility and make a compelling case to future sponsors about the benefits of supporting your team.

8. Host a Demonstration Event

Showcase your team's skills and engage with the community by hosting a skateboarding demonstration. Invite potential sponsors to experience the spirit of the sport firsthand and see the potential reach and impact of their sponsorship.

9. Forge Local Partnerships

Start by building partnerships with local businesses. They may be more inclined to support a homegrown team and can benefit from local marketing initiatives. As your team grows, these local sponsors can provide testimonials that are valuable in securing larger sponsorships.

10. Follow Up and Maintain Relationships

After reaching out to potential sponsors, be sure to follow up. Persistence often pays off. Once you've secured sponsors, maintain those relationships with regular updates on your team's progress and achievements. Keeping sponsors happy and informed can lead to long-term partnerships and future funding.

When combining these strategies with your team's unique flair, finding sponsors for your skateboarding team is entirely within reach. Remember to stay true to your brand, be professional in your proposals, and nurture the sponsor relationships you develop. Your hard work will not only help secure the resources needed to excel but also contribute to the growth of skateboarding as an exciting and respected sport.

FlipGive Team

FlipGive is a free team funding app that makes raising money a breeze. Teams earn cash back for buying the things they already need. Get paid whenever you shop, dine out, book hotels or activities.