Rolling into Action: Your Ultimate Guide to Starting a Roller Derby Team

5 Proven Strategies to Secure Sponsorship for Your Roller Derby Team

February 3, 2024

FlipGive is a free team funding app that makes raising money a breeze. Teams earn cash back for buying the things they already need. Get paid whenever you shop, dine out, book hotels or activities.

Finding Sponsors for Your Roller Derby Team: A Step-by-Step Game Plan

Securing sponsorship is akin to the endurance and strategy required in roller derby itself. It's a dynamic blend of showcasing value, establishing relationships, and strategic marketing. For teams ready to take their game to the next level, landing a sponsor can bring in essential funds that cover costs for uniforms, travel, and venue rentals, not to mention boosting team morale. Here are five proven strategies to help your roller derby team attract the sponsors that align with your squad's ethos and energy.

1. Understanding Your Value Proposition

Before approaching sponsors, it’s critical to know what you can offer them. This goes beyond the love of the sport; it’s about what your team can provide in return for a sponsor’s investment. Can you offer brand visibility at events, a mention on your team jersey, or a featured spot on your social media pages and website? Understanding and clearly articulating your value proposition is the first step in demonstrating to potential sponsors why supporting your team is a win-win scenario.

2. Crafting A Professional Sponsorship Package

Once you know your value proposition, package it impressively. Create a professional sponsorship proposal that outlines what sponsors can expect in return for different levels of support. Be explicit about what you need, be it monetary support, gear, or services, and what you're offering in exchange. A well-designed package that includes team statistics, demographics, and testimonials can make a strong impression and show potential sponsors that you mean business.

3. Leveraging Social Media and Online Fundraising Platforms

Harness the power of social media to boost your visibility and demonstrate your team’s community engagement. Regular updates, interactive content, and a solid follower count can show sponsors that you have a reach they'll want to tap into. Furthermore, platforms like GoFundMe not only provide a way to collect donations but also serve as a marketing tool when seeking sponsors. They can illustrate community support and act as proof of the promotional work you’re willing to do to further your team's--and by extension, your sponsor’s--interests.

4. Targeting the Right Sponsors

A critical aspect of finding the right sponsors is targeting businesses and organizations that align with your team's culture and the sport of roller derby itself. Local businesses, especially those already invested in community events, can be great matches, as are companies that market to a similar demographic as your team’s fan base. Tailor your approach to these potential sponsors by showing them how supporting your team can increase their community presence and customer base.

5. Building Lasting Relationships with Sponsors

Sponsorship is more than a financial transaction; it’s the start of a relationship. After securing sponsorship, keep the communication lines open. Share regular updates on the team’s progress, successes, and how the sponsor's contributions are being used. Ensure that sponsors feel appreciated and involved by inviting them to events and recognizing their support publicly. A happy sponsor is likely to continue their support and can become a long-term partner in your team's journey.

The Art of the Pitch: Reaching Out to Potential Sponsors

With these strategies in mind, it's time to make your pitch. But, how do you reach out to potential sponsors effectively? Start by researching and creating a list of potential sponsors. Then, personalize your communication with them, whether it's an email, phone call, or in-person meeting. Convey your passion for roller derby and your team, and let them see the human side behind the sport. Be clear about your goals and what their sponsorship will achieve, not just for your team but for them as well.

Perseverance Pays Off: Following Up and Negotiating

Don’t get discouraged if you don’t receive an immediate positive response. Follow-up is key in sponsorship deals. If a business is interested but not ready to commit, discuss what they're looking for in a sponsorship and if there's room for negotiation. Always keep the conversation open, professional, and positive. Your persistence and willingness to work with potential sponsors may just tip the scales in your favor.

Sponsorship Success: A Final Word

Scoring sponsorship is a major triumph for any sports team. It reflects both the team's prowess in the sport and its acumen in business and marketing. By demonstrating value, creating professional proposals, leveraging online platforms, targeting well-suited sponsors, and fostering lasting partnerships, your roller derby team can secure the sponsorship it needs to roll ahead of the competition. Remember, the heart of roller derby is its fierce community; let that community spirit shine through as you embark on the sponsorship journey, and success will follow.

Engaging the Community: A List of Potential Sponsorship Benefits

  • Company logo placement on team uniforms and gear
  • Brand mentions and advertising at team events and in promotional materials
  • Feature articles and spotlights on the team's website and social media channels
  • Opportunities to host corporate events in conjunction with team activities
  • Access to a dedicated and passionate fan base for direct marketing opportunities

There's no denying that finding and maintaining sponsors is serious business, akin to the dedication you put into the rink. However, with the right strategies and a bit of that roller derby resilience, your team can skate into a future filled with fruitful partnerships and the sound of fans roaring from the stands. Strap on your skates, it's time to roll out into the sponsorship arena with confidence.

FlipGive Team

FlipGive is a free team funding app that makes raising money a breeze. Teams earn cash back for buying the things they already need. Get paid whenever you shop, dine out, book hotels or activities.