Kickstart Your Journey: 10 Steps to Forming Your Own Martial Arts Squad

7 Proven Strategies to Secure Sponsorship for Your Martial Arts Team

March 8, 2024

FlipGive is a free team funding app that makes raising money a breeze. Teams earn cash back for buying the things they already need. Get paid whenever you shop, dine out, book hotels or activities.

Finding Sponsors for Your Martial Arts Team: A Comprehensive Guide

Securing sponsorship can be a challenging endeavor for any sports team, but with the right approach, it's certainly achievable. For martial arts teams in particular, finding organizations and individuals interested in supporting the team is vital to success. Not only do sponsors provide financial support, but they also offer resources essential for training, competitions, and team development. Let's dive into the seven proven strategies that can help your martial arts team secure the backing it needs.

1. Understand Your Value Proposition

Before approaching potential sponsors, it's crucial to understand what your martial arts team brings to the table. Sponsors want to know how supporting your team will benefit them. Identify your team's unique attributes, achievements, and community presence. Do you have a winning streak at tournaments? Does your team engage in community service? Do you have a significant social media following? These factors can increase your attractiveness to sponsors.

2. Create a Professional Sponsorship Package

Your sponsorship package is a critical tool for pitching to potential sponsors. It should include a compelling cover letter, an overview of your team, statistics and demographics, media coverage, and tiered sponsorship options. Make sure to tailor each package to the potential sponsor, highlighting how their support aligns with their business goals and values.

3. Target the Right Sponsors

Not all companies will be interested in sponsoring a martial arts team. Focus your search on businesses that align with sports, health, and wellness or those working within your local community. Consider martial arts equipment suppliers, local health food stores, or businesses looking to increase their community engagement. Researching potential sponsors thoroughly will save you time and increase your chances of securing a sponsorship.

4. Leverage Social Media

Social media is an invaluable tool for reaching potential sponsors. Use your platforms to showcase your team's activities, achievements, and community involvement. Create engaging content that demonstrates your team's value and encourage your followers to share it. Tagging and mentioning potential sponsors in your posts can also attract their attention.

5. Network at Events

Personal relationships can make a huge difference when seeking sponsors. Attend local business events, martial arts tournaments, and community gatherings to network. Prepare a quick elevator pitch about your team and what you're looking for in a sponsor. Face-to-face interactions can lead to more meaningful connections and increase the likelihood of securing sponsorship.

6. Offer Mutual Benefits

When you approach potential sponsors, make sure to emphasize the mutual benefits. Your team can offer brand exposure at events, on social media, and through team gear. Consider offering exclusive experiences for the sponsor, such as training sessions with the team or VIP seating at tournaments. The key is to create a win-win situation that is hard for potential sponsors to turn down.

7. Follow Up and Build Lasting Relationships

Securing a sponsorship is often about persistence. Always follow up with potential sponsors after your initial contact. If they decide not to sponsor your team at the moment, stay in touch and provide updates on your team's progress. Building a lasting relationship could lead to future sponsorship opportunities.

Utilizing Online Platforms for Sponsorship

In the digital age, online fundraising platforms such as GoFundMe offer a powerful tool for teams to gather sponsorship and support. By creating a clear, compelling narrative around your martial arts team’s journey and goals, you can leverage these platforms to share your story with a wider audience. Transparency about your budget and how funds will be used can encourage donations from individuals who resonate with your mission.


Finding sponsors for your martial arts team requires effort, strategy, and a bit of creativity. By understanding your value proposition, creating a professional sponsorship package, targeting the right sponsors, leveraging social media, networking at events, offering mutual benefits, and following up to build relationships, your team can increase its chances of securing the sponsorship it needs. Remember, every no brings you closer to a yes, so stay persistent and positive throughout the process. Good luck!

Additional Tips for Your Journey

  • Continuously update and refine your sponsorship package based on feedback.
  • Engage your team members in the sponsorship process; their personal stories can be compelling.
  • Be flexible with potential sponsors – they may offer valuable resources aside from monetary support.
  • Keep track of all interactions with potential sponsors in a database for future reference.
  • Thank your sponsors publicly and often, showcasing their contribution to your team's success.
  • FlipGive Team

    FlipGive is a free team funding app that makes raising money a breeze. Teams earn cash back for buying the things they already need. Get paid whenever you shop, dine out, book hotels or activities.