10 Essential Steps to Launching Your Own Inline Hockey Team: A Beginner's Guide

Skating Towards Success: 7 Proven Strategies to Secure Sponsors for Your Inline Hockey Team

April 5, 2024

FlipGive is a free team funding app that makes raising money a breeze. Teams earn cash back for buying the things they already need. Get paid whenever you shop, dine out, book hotels or activities.

Skating Towards Success: 7 Proven Strategies to Secure Sponsors for Your Inline Hockey Team

Finding sponsors for your inline hockey team can transform your season from baseline to exceptional. Sponsorships are not just about getting funds; they're about building partnerships and community support. Let's explore seven proven strategies to secure those crucial sponsorships and propel your team to victory.

1. Understand Your Value Proposition

Before reaching out to potential sponsors, pinpoint what makes your team an attractive investment. Your value proposition should include the team's goals, achievements, community involvement, and demographics of your audience. Knowing these details will help you pitch your team as a beneficial marketing tool for businesses.

2. Create a Professional Sponsorship Package

Develop a comprehensive sponsorship package that includes your value proposition, team history, success stories, and what you're offering in return for sponsorship. This could be logo placement on uniforms, banners at games, social media shout-outs, or access to your events. Tailor your packages to different sponsorship levels to accommodate various budgets and interests.

3. Leverage Local Businesses

Local businesses are an excellent starting point for securing sponsorships. They have a vested interest in community activities and may be more approachable. Personalize each pitch and illustrate how sponsoring your team can increase their visibility within the community.

4. Use Your Networks

Don't underestimate the power of your personal and professional networks. Reach out to friends, family, team alumni, and anyone else who might have a lead on potential sponsors. Networking events can also be a fertile ground for finding businesses interested in community engagement.

5. Offer Exclusivity When Possible

If you can provide exclusive deals, like being the "official sponsor" of your team, businesses may be more inclined to jump on board. This approach gives sponsors a unique position and can be a compelling argument for them to partner with you.

6. Engage Through Social Media

Utilize social media platforms to not only promote your team but to also showcase your sponsors. Engaging content that highlights your sponsors' support can increase their brand awareness and loyalty amongst your followers. Always remember to tag your sponsors and express gratitude for their support on social media.

7. Track and Report Back on Sponsorship Impact

Keeping sponsors informed about the impact of their contribution can encourage long-term relationships. Provide regular updates on how the sponsorship is helping your team and how it is enhancing the sponsor's brand. End-of-season reports, shout-outs during events, and personalized thank you's can all go a long way.

Additional Tips from GoFundMe

Aside from the core strategies, there are other avenues to explore. Crowdfunding platforms like GoFundMe can complement your sponsorship efforts by raising additional funds. Here are a few tips gleaned from GoFundMe's blog on getting team sponsors:

  • Define your goals: Be clear about how much money you need to raise and what it will be used for. This transparency is key for both crowdfunding success and appealing to business sponsors.

  • Make it personal: Share your team's story. Personalization can tug at heartstrings and open wallets, and it can make your team stand out to potential sponsors on a crowded platform.

  • Spread the word: Promote your crowdfunding campaign as widely as possible. Use email, social media, local media outlets, and word of mouth to get the attention of potential sponsors.

  • Show appreciation: Always thank your donors and sponsors. Public acknowledgments, thank-you notes, and updates on your team's progress can build goodwill and encourage future support.

Securing sponsors for your inline hockey team is no small feat, but with a strategic approach and genuine community engagement, you can build beneficial partnerships. Remember, the key is to demonstrate value, maintain professionalism, and nurture relationships with current and potential sponsors. By following these proven strategies and tips, you'll be well on your way to a successful and supported season.

FlipGive Team

FlipGive is a free team funding app that makes raising money a breeze. Teams earn cash back for buying the things they already need. Get paid whenever you shop, dine out, book hotels or activities.