Ice Dreams Unleashed: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Starting a Figure Skating Team

Gliding to Success: 7 Key Strategies to Secure Sponsorship for Your Figure Skating Team

March 3, 2024

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Gliding to Success: 7 Key Strategies to Secure Sponsorship for Your Figure Skating Team

Figure skating, with its blend of athleticism and artistry, captivates audiences worldwide. However, the cost of training, equipment, and travel can be substantial for a figure skating team. Securing sponsorship is a strategic way to offset these expenses and ensure your team can compete and flourish. Here are seven key strategies to help your figure skating team attract the sponsors you need.

1. Define Your Team’s Unique Story and Value

Every team has a unique story—your team's history, achievements, community involvement, and future goals can all be compelling elements of your narrative. Define what sets your team apart, and create a value proposition that outlines the benefits a sponsor would gain from supporting you. Highlighting your team's potential for success, the dedication of your skaters, and the passion that drives your team can make a persuasive case to potential sponsors.

2. Identify Potential Sponsors

When looking for sponsors, consider businesses and organizations that align with the values and goals of your figure skating team. Prospective sponsors might include local businesses, sports retailers, health and fitness companies, and even larger corporations with a history of supporting sports teams. Research each potential sponsor's past involvements and tailor your approach to their interests and marketing strategies.

3. Develop a Professional Sponsorship Proposal

Your sponsorship proposal should be professional, clear, and compelling. It should outline your team's needs, the sponsorship opportunities available, and the mutual benefits. Provide statistics about your team’s achievements, media coverage, and community reach. Be sure to include how the sponsor's brand will be displayed on team uniforms, at events, and in all promotional materials.

4. Offer a Variety of Sponsorship Levels

Versatility can be key in attracting sponsors. Offer various sponsorship levels to cater to businesses of different sizes and budgets. Each level should provide value for the investment, from title sponsorships that include the most significant brand visibility to smaller contributions that still offer meaningful recognition. This tiered approach can make sponsorship accessible to all potential sponsors, increasing your chances of success.

5. Create a Compelling Pitch

Once you have identified potential sponsors and prepared your proposal, it's time to pitch. A compelling pitch is concise, personalized, and demonstrates the benefits of sponsorship clearly. Practice your pitch with your team members to ensure it is polished and engaging. When it’s time to present to potential sponsors, be confident, professional, and ready to answer any questions they may have.

6. Utilize Social Media and Online Platforms

Social media and online platforms can be powerful tools in finding sponsors. Create compelling content that features your team in action, showcases achievements, and tells your story. Engage with your audience, and use hashtags to increase visibility. Platforms like GoFundMe can also boost your team's online presence and provide a space for potential sponsors to learn more about your team and how to contribute.

7. Follow-Up and Foster Relationships

After your initial pitch, be sure to follow up. Persistence can pay off, as sponsors are often busy and may not respond immediately. Once you secure sponsors, maintain those relationships by providing regular updates about the team's progress and recognizing their support in your promotions. Building a strong, ongoing relationship can lead to continued support in future seasons.

Maintaining Sponsorship Success

Securing sponsorships is just the beginning. To maintain successful sponsor relationships, strive for constant communication and transparency. Provide your sponsors with regular updates on the team's achievements and media coverage. Highlight their contributions in your events and through your communications to underscore their pivotal role in your team's success.


Finding sponsors for a figure skating team takes dedication, creativity, and strategic planning. By defining your team's story, crafting a professional proposal, pitching persuasively, and fostering strong relationships, your team can secure the vital support needed to thrive. Remember that each sponsor brings not just financial support but also becomes part of your team's extended family. Treat them as such, and your team will glide to success with a network of supportive partners cheering you on.

Additional Tips for Finding Team Sponsors

While the strategies outlined above provide a robust framework for attracting sponsorships, here are additional tips that can further enhance your efforts:

  • Engage the team and supporters in brainstorming potential sponsors.
  • Attend networking events to meet local business owners and corporate representatives.
  • Develop sponsorship packages that include perks like VIP seating at events or exclusive team meet-and-greets.
  • Offer to conduct clinics or demonstrations at sponsor facilities, showcasing the sponsor’s support to a broader audience.
  • Measure the impact of sponsorships and share these metrics with current and prospective sponsors to demonstrate the value of their investment.
  • With these additional tips in mind, your figure skating team can broaden its approach and increase the likelihood of securing the sponsorships you require. Having a diversified strategy will make your team an attractive opportunity for sponsors looking to engage with their community and invest in a sport that resonates with grace and resilience.

    FlipGive Team

    FlipGive is a free team funding app that makes raising money a breeze. Teams earn cash back for buying the things they already need. Get paid whenever you shop, dine out, book hotels or activities.