5 Key Strategies to Effectively Coach Your Roller Derby Team to Victory

Master the art of coaching your roller derby team with these essential strategies that are guaranteed to lead you to victory on the track. From building trust to implementing effective communication, this blog post will equip you with the tools you need to take your team to the top.

December 9, 2023

FlipGive is a free team funding app that makes raising money a breeze. Teams earn cash back for buying the things they already need. Get paid whenever you shop, dine out, book hotels or activities.

How to Find Sponsors for Your Roller Derby Team

Finding sponsors for a roller derby team can be a challenging yet rewarding task. Sponsorship is essential for funding team travel, uniforms, and other expenses. Below, explore strategies to attract sponsors to your team and ensure a victorious future on the rink.

Understand Your Value Proposition

Before reaching out to potential sponsors, it's important to understand what your team can offer. This includes media exposure, community presence, and the unique attributes of roller derby that set it apart from other sports. Make sure to clearly communicate your team's values, objectives, and the audience you attract, as these are key points of interest for sponsors.

Identify Potential Sponsors

Look for businesses and brands that align with your team's values and those that have a history of supporting local sports or events. Always consider local businesses first, as they are more likely to invest in community-based initiatives.

Create Customized Sponsorship Packages

Develop a range of sponsorship packages to cater to different levels of support. These can range from small donations in exchange for logo placement on uniforms to larger sponsorship deals that include banners at events, social media shout-outs, and other promotional opportunities.

Network and Build Relationships

Networking is crucial. Attend business events, join local commerce groups, and actively engage with the community. Building relationships can lead to sponsorships and other forms of support.

Deliver on Promises

Once you secure sponsors, it's vital to deliver on every promise made. Keep sponsors updated with the team's progress and publicize their support through various channels. A happy sponsor is more likely to continue their support and recommend you to others.

5 Key Strategies to Effectively Coach Your Roller Derby Team to Victory

Develop a Strong Vision

Successful coaching starts with a clear vision. Define what victory looks like for your team and establish goals that align with that vision. Be sure these goals challenge your team but are also achievable.

Focus on Skills and Drills

Roller derby is a game of skill as much as strategy. Spend time developing your team's core skills through targeted drills. Ensure that each player has a role that plays to their strengths, and train them to excel in that role.

Build Team Cohesion

Team chemistry is vital in roller derby. Foster a culture of support and collaboration. Encourage team bonding activities and open communication to build a strong, cohesive unit.

Adapt and Be Flexible

As with any sport, roller derby can be unpredictable. A good coach must be flexible and able to adapt strategies on the fly. Continuously analyze the team's performance and the opposition, making tactical adjustments as necessary.

Instill Mental Toughness

Mental resilience can make the difference between winning and losing. Teach your team to remain focused under pressure and to rebound from setbacks. Celebrate small victories and learn from losses to build mental toughness.

How to Coach According to 5 Great Sports Coaches

Great coaching advice transcends individual sports. According to an article from Harvard Business Review, there are key coaching practices from top sports coaches that can be adapted to roller derby:

  • Set clear expectations and standards, and hold everyone to them.
  • Communicate effectively, making sure your message is understood.
  • Know your athletes personally to tailor your coaching to their needs.
  • Give timely feedback to reinforce what is working and correct what is not.
  • Be a role model of dedication, passion, and sportsmanship.
  • By combining these universal coaching tactics with roller derby-specific strategies and a robust approach to securing sponsorships, your team will be well on its way to success both on the track and off.

    FlipGive Team

    FlipGive is a free team funding app that makes raising money a breeze. Teams earn cash back for buying the things they already need. Get paid whenever you shop, dine out, book hotels or activities.