Slam Dunk Family Nights: Rotary Club's Top Pick of Great Basketball Movies for Kids

April 14, 2024

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Top 'X' Sports Movies for Kids: A Slam Dunk for Family Movie Night

Gathering the family for a movie night can be a heartwarming experience, and when the film revolves around sports, it's an excellent opportunity to instill values of teamwork, perseverance, and fair play in young viewers. The Rotary Club has curated a selection of basketball movies perfect for kids, while seasoned sports reporter Alex Flanagan has a broader list of must-watch sports movies suited for the entire family. Combining insights from both, here's a slam dunk list of great sports movies to enjoy with your kids.

The Mighty Ducks (1992)

Starting off with a classic that skates beyond basketball, 'The Mighty Ducks' is a tale about a misfit hockey team finding their way to victory under the reluctant guidance of an attorney sentenced to community service. It’s a story of redemption and teamwork that will leave kids cheering for the underdogs.

Space Jam (1996)

When basketball legend Michael Jordan teams up with Looney Tunes characters to play a game of basketball against alien invaders, you get 'Space Jam.' This wild mashup of animation and live-action is not only a Rotary Club favorite but also an entertaining film for kids that combines sports with a fantastical adventure.

Air Bud (1997)

This heartwarming tale features Buddy, a golden retriever with an uncanny ability to play basketball. 'Air Bud' scores big with kids for its mix of humor, sports action, and the touching bond between a boy and his dog. It’s a reminder that sometimes the best teammates come on four legs.

Remember the Titans (2000)

Diving into the themes of racism and integration, 'Remember the Titans' tells the true story of a newly integrated high school football team in the 1970s. This film is not only a pick by the Rotary Club for its basketball nights but is also highly recommended by Alex Flanagan for its powerful message on equality and unity.

Like Mike (2002)

In 'Like Mike,' a young orphan becomes an NBA superstar after discovering a pair of sneakers with the faded initials "M.J." This fantastical story captures the dream of many young basketball fans and delivers a fun-filled adventure along with valuable life lessons.

Miracle (2004)

Venturing back onto the ice, 'Miracle' recounts the true story of the United States men's hockey team’s triumph at the 1980 Winter Olympics. An inspirational film that showcases the power of belief and determination, it's a family movie night winner for sports enthusiasts of all ages.

Kicking & Screaming (2005)

Moving onto the soccer field, 'Kicking & Screaming' is a lighthearted comedy about a mild-mannered man transforming into a hyper-competitive soccer coach for a kids' team. Will Ferrell’s comedic charm makes it a humorous and enjoyable movie for kids and parents alike.

We Are Marshall (2006)

'We Are Marshall' delves into the emotional aftermath of a devastating plane crash that killed most of the Marshall University football team. It’s a profound story about healing and the strength of community, with a strong emphasis on picking ourselves up after a loss.

The Blind Side (2009)

'The Blind Side' is based on the true story of Michael Oher, a homeless and traumatized boy who becomes an All-American football player with the love and support of a caring woman and her family. This touching film is a testament to the impact of nurturing and supportive relationships.

Hoosiers (1986)

Going back to the hardwood, 'Hoosiers' is an iconic basketball film featuring Gene Hackman as a coach with a checkered past who leads a small-town high school basketball team to the state championship. It's an underdog story that encapsulates the essence of high-stakes high school sports.

The Sandlot (1993)

'The Sandlot' is a coming-of-age baseball movie set in the summer of 1962, filled with nostalgia and youthful exuberance. It's a joyful reminder of the way sports can bring people together and create lifelong friendships.

Coach Carter (2005)

'Coach Carter' is a gritty, powerful film about a high school basketball coach who benches his undefeated team due to poor academic performance. It speaks volumes about the importance of discipline and priorities, making it a fantastic conversation starter for families.

Secretariat (2010)

While horse racing might not be a traditional pick for a basketball movie night, 'Secretariat' will captivate audiences with the true story of a housewife who navigates the male-dominated world of horse racing to take her horse to victory. It’s a story of perseverance and breaking barriers.

Creed (2015)

Continuing the legacy of the 'Rocky' series, 'Creed' follows the journey of Adonis Johnson, the son of Apollo Creed, as he seeks to make his own mark in the world of boxing. A story of identity and legacy, it resonates with the drive to forge one's path.


These 'X' sports movies are sure to provide entertainment, laughter, and valuable lessons for every family movie night. From the nostalgia of 'The Sandlot' to the hard-hitting reality of 'Coach Carter,' each film presents an opportunity for kids to learn about the challenges and triumphs associated with sports and life. So grab some popcorn, cozy up on the couch, and get ready for a movie marathon that's guaranteed to be a slam dunk with the whole family.

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