5 Fun-Filled Broomball Drills to Get Kids Excited About the Game!

Get your kids moving and laughing with these exciting broomball drills that will make them fall in love with the game! From silly challenges to teamwork exercises, these drills are sure to keep them entertained and engaged.

December 10, 2023

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Introduction to Broomball for Kids

Broomball is an exciting sport that shares similarities with ice hockey, but with some unique twists that make it accessible and fun for kids. The game is played on an ice surface, but instead of skates, players wear shoes. Instead of a puck, a small ball is used, and players hit the ball with a stick called a broom. Broomball is a wonderful way for kids to develop coordination, teamwork, and physical fitness. To keep young athletes engaged and improve their skills, here are 5 fun-filled broomball drills tailored for kids.

Drill #1: Broom Ball Relay

The Broom Ball Relay is a fantastic drill for kids that emphasize speed, control, and teamwork. To set up this drill, divide the players into teams and arrange cones in a straight line, with about 10 feet between each cone. Each player must maneuver the ball around the cones and back, then pass the ball to the next teammate. The first team to finish wins. This drill teaches kids to navigate the ice while maintaining ball control, and also brings out their competitive spirit in a fun way.

Drill #2: The Accuracy Challenge

Improving aim and precision is crucial in broomball, and The Accuracy Challenge is perfect for this. Set up a goal post, or if one isn't available, use cones to create a target area. Draw lines 10, 15, and 20 feet away from the target. Have players take turns shooting from each line, scoring points for accuracy. Starting from the closest line, kids can progress to further distances as they improve. This drill encourages a focus on ball control and shot precision.

Drill #3: Obstacle Course Madness

An obstacle course is an excellent way to bring excitement to broomball practice. Set up a course that includes a variety of challenges such as weaving through cones, jumping over small barriers, and maneuvering the ball around obstacles before shooting at a goal. Kids learn to adapt to different physical challenges while handling the ball, which can greatly improve their agility and stick-handling skills. Plus, it's a blast for kids to tackle the course and try to beat their best times.

Drill #4: Pass and Move Play

Collaboration is key in team sports, and the Pass and Move Play drill helps kids to learn the importance of passing and movement off the ball. In this drill, players form a circle or square and one player starts with the ball. As that player passes the ball to a teammate, they must move to a different spot in the formation. Continuous passing and movement help players understand the flow of the game and the significance of staying active even when they don't have the ball.

Drill #5: Goalie Drills

Goalies play a crucial role in broomball, and specific drills can help them improve their game. Simple activities like catching a soft ball to improve hand-eye coordination, practicing side-to-side movements to defend the goal area, and working on quick reflexes for saves are essential. Setting up mock penalty shots with other players can also provide goalies with realistic practice under pressure and improve their abilities to predict and react to shots.

Additional Home Practice Ideas

In addition to on-ice drills, there are many ways kids can practice and enjoy broomball at home. Activities such as balancing on one foot to improve stability, playing catch with a soft ball to enhance hand-eye coordination, and setting up mini-obstacle courses in the backyard can keep kids engaged outside of structured practice. Encouraging kids to be creative and use common household items as equipment can make at-home practice both effective and entertaining.


These five broomball drills are designed to make practice sessions not only productive but also extremely enjoyable for kids. With a focus on important skills such as ball control, accuracy, agility, teamwork, and goaltending, young players can develop a strong foundation for their broomball game. By including variations and challenging elements, these drills can be adapted to suit different age groups and skill levels. Broomball offers a unique and exciting way for kids to stay active, and with these fun-filled drills, they'll be eager to hit the ice and play their best game.

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