
Inspirational 80's Home Workouts for the Family

Before there was TikTok, there was the golden era of 80's workouts. See if the entire family can keep up to these.

May 14th, 2020

Inspirational 80's Home Workouts for the Family

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Inspirational 80's Home Workouts for the Family


Like many parents, in the last month in quarantine we’ve had our kids introduce us to the latest Tik Tok dance craze. Our kids giggle at us trying to keep up with Charli d’amelio or the Drake toosie slide. However, what’s popular today is quickly replaced by something new tomorrow. From Tik Tok, we’ve also explored the App Store for an incredible number of workout apps from incredible companies around the world as we take the time to spend more time on our health and wellness.


While we enjoy the variety of workouts and 15 second Tik Tok dances, we thought it would be a great opportunity to introduce kids to a simpler time, when workouts required bright spandex and fast-paced movements, along with non-stop enthusiasm. New trends lasted for years. For your viewing pleasure, we have gathered together a few links from the golden age of home workouts, in the hopes that you will create many new family memories while you burn calories together.


Here is our list, let us know how it goes!


You need to start with an intro to the inspiration for all modern exercise. Are you ready to Sweat to the Oldies?


More than 10 minutes? Go straight to one of the originals 

How about some Jazzercise to keep you fit and smiling? Smile for heavens sakes! And get ready to play little b-ball 

Getting ready for the team workout. Breathe it out 

80’s Throwback. Brace yourself for Cher to kick things off

Aerobic competitions used to be a thing

Jazzercise 1986

Jane Fonda Complete Workout

20 Minutes straight from 1980

You should be dancing

Bonus Track. Move your boogie body

Sam Menard

Sam Menard

FlipGive is a free team funding app that makes raising money a breeze. Teams earn cash back for buying the things they already need. Get paid whenever you shop, dine out, book hotels or activities.