FlipGive is a free team funding app that makes raising money a breeze. Teams earn cash back for buying the things they already need. Get paid whenever you shop, dine out, book hotels or activities.
A community skate fundraiser is a great way to raise money, especially if you are doing so for your community centre. Lots of communities run this kind of event as a weekly fundraiser to support community initiatives. Whatever your cause, running a community skate is a fun way to raise money that's fun for the whole family.
All you need for your fundraiser is access to an ice skating rink. If you're running your fundraiser for a team or school, approach a local rink in your community and ask them if they would donate rink time for your cause. To incentivize local rinks, suggest your fundraiser during an off time, like a weeknight, so that local rinks are more motivated to give you their space. If you're running your event for your community centre with an ice rink, it's easier than ever. All you have to do is publicize that you'll be running community skate at a specified time. Community skates are hugely popular and are one of the best ways to raise money quickly and easily.
You'll need a few fundraisers for your event. First and foremost, you'll want volunteers who will be chaperoning the community skate. This means skating around and making sure that your participants follow the rules of the rink, clearing out the rink for cleaning, and being first on hand in case there are injuries. You'll also need a few volunteers to help with the intake. Depending on how many participants you are expecting, have volunteers collecting the admission fee at the entry point of your community skate fundraiser. Make sure you have enough change on hand to make your fundraiser as smooth as possible.
Print flyers for your fundraising event and post them around your community centre, school, or hand them out to parents at your team practice. Create a Facebook event so your supporters know when your event is being held if it will be recurring, and what cause you're raising money for.
If you want to provide refreshments for your participants, like hot chocolate or coffee, you could raise even more for your team or cause. If you have a FlipGive fundraising campaign page, you could earn up to 10% cash back on items you buy for your fundraiser.
Miri Elmaleh
FlipGive is a free team funding app that makes raising money a breeze. Teams earn cash back for buying the things they already need. Get paid whenever you shop, dine out, book hotels or activities.
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